Chapter 8: Wrong Choice? (Updated)

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### Two Weeks Later:

### Neveah's POV:

Jake is here, and I'm in the shower, trying to shake off the stress that's been building up over the past few weeks. When I step out, wrapped in a towel, I notice Jake watching me with an intensity that sends a shiver down my spine.

**Jake:** Come here.

**Neveah:** I need to get dressed first.

**Jake:** Sorry, go ahead.

I quickly dress and join him on the bed, where we start cuddling. His warmth is comforting, and I let myself relax. Then, he begins to kiss my neck, and I feel a mix of excitement and hesitation.

**Neveah:** I don't think this is right. (I say, my voice shaking.)

**Jake:** You love me, right?

**Neveah:** Yeah.

**Jake:** Then trust me.

I nod, trying to push aside my doubts. His hands move over my body, and I feel a mix of anticipation and fear. He undresses me gently, his touch both thrilling and terrifying.

**Neveah:** Jake, I'm scared.

**Jake:** It's okay. I'll be gentle.

He positions himself over me, and as he enters, the initial pain makes me wince. My fingers dig into his back, seeking some kind of anchor. He pauses, kissing me softly, murmuring reassurances.

**Jake:** I'm here. It's okay.

The pain begins to fade, replaced by a strange, unfamiliar sensation. My mind is a jumble of thoughts and emotions, each one vying for dominance.

When it's over, I lie there, feeling a confusing mix of relief and regret. I get up and put on a fresh pair of clothes, my hands trembling slightly. I can't believe what just happened. I'm only 16, and I've just lost my virginity. The reality of it crashes over me, bringing with it a wave of guilt and fear.

**Neveah:** Jake, we need to talk.

He looks at me, concern etched on his face.

**Jake:** What's wrong?

**Neveah:** I don't know. This... it felt so wrong.

**Jake:** Do you regret it?

**Neveah:** I don't know. Maybe. I just... I don't know what to feel.

He pulls me into a hug, holding me close.

**Jake:** It's okay, Neveah. We'll figure it out together.

I nod, but the doubts and fears linger. How can I face my mom now? What will she say if she finds out? I lie there, my mind racing, trying to make sense of everything. All I know is that things will never be the same again.


**Later That Day:**

### Beyoncé's POV:

Neveah has been acting strange since Jake arrived. I hear her come downstairs, and I can see the tension in her eyes. Something is off.

**Beyoncé:** Neveah, is everything okay?

**Neveah:** Yeah, everything's fine.

I don't believe her, but I decide not to press. She's been through so much, and I don't want to push her away further.

**Beyoncé:** If you ever need to talk, you know I'm here, right?

**Neveah:** Yeah, I know. Thanks, Mom.

She gives me a small smile before heading out the door. I watch her go, my heart heavy with worry.


**The Next Morning:**

### Neveah's POV:

I wake up feeling a mix of dread and confusion. Last night with Jake keeps replaying in my mind. I know I need to talk to someone about it, but I don't know who.

At school, I see Kayla and decide to confide in her during lunch.

**Kayla:** Hey, girl. You look like you didn't sleep well.

**Neveah:** I need to talk to you about something.

We find a quiet corner, and I tell her everything. Her eyes widen as she listens.

**Kayla:** Neveah, that's a big deal. Are you okay?

**Neveah:** I don't know. I feel so confused.

**Kayla:** Maybe you should talk to your mom about it.

**Neveah:** I can't. She'd be so disappointed.

**Kayla:** She loves you. She'll understand.

I nod, but I'm not sure. The rest of the day passes in a blur, and when I get home, I find my mom waiting for me.

**Beyoncé:** Neveah, we need to talk.

I sit down, bracing myself for whatever comes next.

**Beyoncé:** I know something's been bothering you. Please, talk to me.

Tears fill my eyes as I finally break down, telling her everything. She listens quietly, her face a mixture of shock and concern.

**Beyoncé:** Oh, Neveah. I wish you had come to me sooner.

**Neveah:** I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't know what to do.

She pulls me into a hug, holding me tight.

**Beyoncé:** We'll get through this together. I love you

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