Chapter 34: One Death Brings Life (Updated)

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**Neveah's POV:**

Two days later at the hospital, I was in and out, never missing a day and spending all day by August's side. When I arrived this morning, after going home last night to rest and shower, I saw August's mom there crying. So I ran to her.

"Hi, Mrs. Garcia. The doctor called me down here, and I would really like to know what's going on," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

Mrs. Garcia looked up at me, her eyes red and swollen from crying. "Mi hija," she said in Spanish, her voice breaking. "August didn't make it," she said, bawling her eyes out. "He was stable last night, but this morning his organs began to fail."

"No," I whispered, unable to speak more.

"I'm sorry, Veah. Our August is gone," Mrs. Garcia continued

"No! I- he can't- not yet he said- Mrs. Garcia, I'm sorry," I said, crying.

The reality hit me hard. I lost him just like that. August was gone.

**The Next Day**

Back at home, I felt sick to my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Faith kept checking up on me, worried, but I told her to go back to bed since she was still really sick. I tried making myself some soup, hoping it would help, but my stomach still hurt badly. I even heated up some warm milk, but I kept throwing it up.

Could I actually be pregnant? I grabbed an extra pregnancy test I had just in case of situations like this and peed on it. After two minutes, it read positive. Oh my God, this can't be happening. If I'm pregnant, it means it's with August's baby, and August had HIV. This can't be happening.

**The Next Day at the Doctor's**

I sat nervously in the doctor's office, waiting for the results. Doctor Ashton finally came in with a reassuring smile.

"Miss Knowles, you're really lucky that you're not infected with the disease. The baby is very healthy," she said.

Relief flooded over me. "How far along am I?" I asked.

"The computer reads five weeks," she replied.

"Five weeks? That explains my attitude lately," I muttered to myself.

"Do you want to know what you're having?" Doctor Ashton asked.

"Yes," I said, my heart pounding again.

"A... boy!" she announced with a smile.

"Wow," I breathed, feeling a mix of shock and awe. "Thank you."

As I left the doctor's office, I felt a new sense of purpose. This baby was a part of August, a piece of him that I would carry forward. It wasn't going to be easy, but I knew I had to stay strong. For me, for Faith, and now for our baby boy.

**The Following Weeks**

The days that followed were a whirlwind of emotions. Losing August was the hardest thing I had ever gone through, but the news of the baby gave me a reason to keep going. I threw myself into preparing for the new arrival, trying to focus on the future instead of the pain of the past.

Faith was my little rock. Despite her young age, she seemed to understand that something was wrong and did her best to comfort me. Her sweet gestures and innocent questions about the baby often brought me to tears, but they also reminded me that I had to stay strong for her.

**At My Mom's House**

One day, I decided to visit my mom, needing her support more than ever. When I arrived, she greeted me with open arms.

"Hi, baby," she said, hugging me tightly.

"Hi, Mommy," I replied, holding onto her.

"How are you holding up?" she asked, concern etched on her face.

"It's been tough," I admitted. "But I found out I'm pregnant."

Her eyes widened with surprise and then softened with understanding. "That's wonderful news, Neveah. A piece of August lives on."

"I know," I said, tears welling up. "But it's also so hard, knowing he's not here to share this with me."

She hugged me again. "We'll get through this together. You're strong, and you have a family who loves you."

**At Home**

Back at home, I continued to navigate the ups and downs of pregnancy while grieving August. I set up a small nursery, picking out neutral colors and cute decorations. It was therapeutic, giving me something positive to focus on.

One evening, I sat with Faith, reading her a bedtime story. She looked up at me with her big, curious eyes.

"Mwommy, are you hwappy?" she asked in her sweet voice.

"I'm getting there, princess. Goodnight, mommy's favorite princess. I love you," I said, kissing her forehead.

Faith smiled. "I wove you mwore."

Her words were like a balm to my wounded heart. "Faith is a miracle from God," I thought. "She's so precious I could never dream of anything better."

**Future Plans**

As the weeks turned into months, I started to feel a sense of acceptance. I knew I would always miss August, but I also knew I had to live my life for the sake of our children. I began to make plans for the future, focusing on my studies and thinking about how I could provide the best life for Faith and the baby.

One evening, as I lay in bed, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. I thought about August and the love we shared. He might not be here physically, but he was still a part of my life, living on in our children and in my heart.

"Goodnight, babe," I whispered, feeling a sense of peace. "I'll make sure our children know how much you loved them. And I'll keep moving forward, for all of us."

With that promise, I closed my eyes, ready to face whatever the future held.

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