Chapter 2 The Unexpected Visitor (Updated)

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Neaveah's Pov:

Today is the day that foster kids get adopted, and I should be excited, but I'm not. The truth is, I've been here too long, and I've seen too many kids come and go. I know nobody will adopt me because I'm not good enough.

"NEVEAH!" Miss Stuttgart yells from downstairs.

"WAIT A SECOND," I shout back, hoping to buy myself some time.


I scramble out of my room, my heart pounding in my chest. Miss Stuttgart is known for her temper, and I've learned the hard way not to test her patience. As I race downstairs, I brace myself for the worst. I imagine her standing there with a belt or some other form of punishment to begin our daily routine. But when I reach the bottom of the stairs, I'm stunned by what I see.

Standing next to Miss Stuttgart is a really tall lady with a weave that looks like it cost over $7,000 and a Louis Vuitton purse slung over her shoulder. My eyes widen in disbelief as she turns around, revealing a familiar face.

"OMG, IT'S ACTUALLY YOU!" I exclaim, my voice filled with shock and awe.

"Yes, it is, honey," she says with a warm smile. "And I'm here to adopt you."

My mind races, trying to process what's happening. I must be dreaming. Why would someone like Beyoncé be here, in this dreary foster home, wanting to adopt me? But the look in her eyes is sincere, and I can't help but feel a flicker of hope.

Miss Stuttgart clears her throat, snapping me out of my daze. "Neveah, go pack your things. You're leaving today."

I don't need to be told twice. I run back upstairs, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and disbelief. I grab my worn-out duffel bag and start stuffing it with my few possessions. I can barely contain my excitement as I think about leaving this place behind and starting a new life with Beyoncé.

Within minutes, I'm back downstairs, clutching my bag tightly. Beyoncé is finishing up some documents with Miss Stuttgart, and I can't help but notice how graceful and composed she looks. When she finally turns to me, she smiles and says, "Ready to go?"

I nod eagerly, unable to find the words to express my gratitude. We walk out of the foster home together, and I can't help but glance back one last time. It's hard to believe that this chapter of my life is finally coming to an end.

As we step outside, I'm greeted by the sight of a sleek, black SUV parked in the driveway. A chauffeur opens the door for us, and I slide into the backseat, my eyes wide with wonder. Beyoncé follows, and soon we're on our way to her beautiful house.

The drive feels surreal. I keep sneaking glances at Beyoncé, half expecting her to disappear like a mirage. But she's real, and she's here, and she's taking me home. We chat a little during the drive, and I find myself relaxing in her presence. She's so down-to-earth, so kind, and it feels like I'm talking to an old friend rather than a global superstar.

When we arrive at her house, I'm blown away. It's even more beautiful than I imagined. The mansion is massive, with sprawling gardens and a pool that sparkles in the sunlight. I can't believe I'm going to live here.

Beyoncé leads me inside, where I'm greeted by the sight of a cozy, elegantly furnished living room. She gives me a tour of the house, showing me the kitchen, the dining room, and finally, my own bedroom. It's spacious and beautifully decorated, with a large bed, a desk, and a window that offers a stunning view of the garden.

"Do you like it?" she asks, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.

"I love it," I say, my voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, Neveah. This is your home now. Make yourself comfortable, and if you need anything, just let me know."

As she leaves me to settle in, I sit on the edge of the bed, trying to absorb everything that's happened. This morning, I was a foster kid with no future. Now, I'm living in a mansion with Beyoncé. It feels like a fairy tale, and I can hardly believe my luck.

Over the next few days, I start to adjust to my new life. Beyoncé is incredibly kind and patient, helping me settle in and making sure I have everything I need.

One afternoon, as we're sitting by the pool, I finally gather the courage to ask her the question that's been on my mind since the day she arrived at the foster home.

"Why me?" I ask, looking up at her with wide eyes. "Why did you choose to adopt me?"

Beyoncé smiles and reaches out to take my hand. "Because, Neveah, I saw something special in you. I know you've been through a lot, but you have a strength and a resilience that I admire. I wanted to give you the chance to see that for yourself and to help you realize your full potential."

Her words bring tears to my eyes. For so long, I've felt unwanted and unloved, but hearing her say that gives me hope. Maybe I am worth something after all.

As the days turn into weeks, I start to feel more at home. Beyoncé encourages me to pursue my interests and passions, and she's always there to support me. For the first time in years, I feel like I belong somewhere, like I have a family that truly cares about me.

I still have a lot to work through, and there are days when the memories of my past come back to haunt me. But with Beyoncé by my side, I know I can face anything. She believes in me, and slowly but surely, I'm starting to believe in myself too.

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