Chapter 30: The Doctors Appointment (Updated)

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**Neveah's POV:**

August and I are sitting together in the living room, the soft glow of the lamp casting a warm light around us. The tension from our earlier conversation still lingers in the air. I take a deep breath and look at him.

"What does that mean for us?" August asks, his eyes searching mine for answers.

"August, I love you," I say, my voice trembling slightly. "I do want to marry you. Will you want to marry me too?"

He looks at me with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. "I do want to marry you. How about we start over and get married in six months?"

"I accept," I say passionately, pulling him into a kiss. His lips are warm and comforting, a promise of better days ahead.


**At Home**

When we get home, Faith runs up to me with open arms. "Mwommy! I missed you. Dwaddy?"

"Yes, daddy and I are getting married in six months," I tell her, trying to sound cheerful.

August kneels down and hugs Faith. "Faith, you know I love you."

"Duhh," Faith responds with a giggle, clearly happy about the news.

As the evening unfolds, August and I go upstairs. I take a long, relaxing shower and then settle down on August's chest. We talk about life, our hopes for the future, and the challenges we've faced. Eventually, the conversation slows, and I drift off to sleep, feeling a mix of contentment and unease.


**August's POV:**

I'm ecstatic that Neveah and I are back together. I dream of starting a family with her, but I sense that she's hesitant about having more children. The thought weighs on me, so I decide to bring it up.

"Neveah, can I ask you something?" I say, my voice tentative.

"What's up, babe?" she replies, looking up from where she's resting against me.

"Would you ever consider having kids with me after we get married?" I ask, trying to gauge her feelings.

"Baby, you know I don't want any kids with a man who's not my first baby daddy. Plus, you've been sleeping with other women. I don't know if you're carrying anything," she responds, her voice tinged with frustration.

"Baby, I'm not carrying anything. And Jake is dead—he won't be your 'baby daddy' anymore. I just want to have kids with you, that's it," I plead.

"And I don't want to. Faith is enough. Unless you're Jesus and can resurrect Jake from the dead, I don't see it happening," she says, her tone final.

"Neveah, why do you have to be so difficult? Just one kid," I say, my frustration rising.

"August, what the hell do you not understand? First off, we need to go to the hospital to see if you have HIV," she snaps.

Her words hit me hard. I am scared—scared that I might be carrying something that could harm us both. We head to the hospital, the gravity of the situation sinking in.


**At the Hospital**

We're in the sterile environment of the hospital. I feel a knot in my stomach as the doctor reviews my results.

"Hi, August. I've checked all of the information. I'm sorry, but you're carrying HIV. This is really serious. Your life expectancy might be reduced," the doctor says, his voice somber.

I see Neveah's face fall, tears streaming down her cheeks. The weight of the news hits me hard. I know I should have been more open with her, but the fear of her reaction kept me silent.


**At Home**

When we get back home, Neveah confronts me. "You knew, didn't you?" she says, her voice breaking with emotion.

"Neveah, I—" I start, but she cuts me off.

"You fucking knew! Answer the damn question!" she shouts.

"I did know, Neveah. I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you. It w—"

"Are you gay?" she interrupts, tears pouring from her eyes.

"After you left, I started seeing men. I never wanted you to find out like this," I admit, tears welling up in my eyes.

"So you're into men now? And you wanted a kid with me? You wanted to fucking kill me?" she accuses.


"I'm going to sleep in the guest room tonight," she says, her voice final.


**August's POV:**

Yes, I knew I had HIV. I didn't realize the severity of it and how it would impact Neveah and Faith. I am into men, but I genuinely love Neveah. Hurting them feels like hurting myself. I am consumed with guilt and regret.


**Neveah's POV:**

Why would he hurt me like this? I thought he had changed. Tomorrow, we have a doctor's appointment to see how advanced the disease is and what it means for our future. The uncertainty is overwhelming.


**Next Day at the Hospital**

The doctor reviews August's condition and delivers more grim news. "The disease has spread significantly. Soon, it will be affecting his reproductive organs. I'll see you in two months for a follow-up."

August tries to reach out to me. "Neveah, talk to me."

"What is there to say?" I retort. "I need you. I love you. But right now, the only person who needs you is Faith because she doesn't know about this."

"You could at least tell me why you're so mad. I didn't know this would happen. Now that I do, I wish I could have prevented it," he says, his voice pleading.

"Shut up. Stop acting like you love me. You know damn well you don't care about me or my feelings," I snap.

"Neveah, I love—"

"See you at home, August," I say, turning away.


**At Kayla's**

Kayla is Faith's godmother and has been watching her while I deal with everything. I go to pick up Faith and talk to Kayla about what's been happening.

"Hey, girly. How was the appointment?" Kayla asks, her voice filled with concern.

"It spread," I say, bursting into tears. "He can't have sex. I'm not going to pretend I'm okay with this because I'm not. He lied to me, and it's something I can't live with."

"Girl, breathe. Did you talk to your mom about it?" Kayla asks gently.

"She's on tour for 11 months. My mom would kill him if she found out. I'm devastated," I admit.

"So what are you going to do?" Kayla asks.

"I don't want to leave him. I want him here for Faith. I don't want anything to go wrong again," I say, feeling conflicted.

"How about tomorrow you come over and we talk more about it?" Kayla suggests.

"Okay, bye," I say, heading out.


**Kayla's POV:**

I can't deny it—I have a crush on August. I don't want to, but my feelings are getting stronger. Tomorrow, I plan to take advantage of the situation. It's crazy, but my feelings for him are overwhelming.

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