One Shot #2

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Emma took a deep breathe and concentrated on not falling down. She wasn't normally a clumsy person, but normally she wouldn't be wearing heels. Emma wobbled a bit and clutched David's arm tighter, squeezing it. He glanced over at her, a tiny but of anger and remorse in his eyes, but he tried to hide it behind a reassuring smile.

"Don't be nervous." he whispered to her, and Emma sighed. How could she not be in the midst of what was happening? What if something happened and the Dark One got out, after she'd worked so hard to contain it?

"I'm not." Was all she said, causing David to snicker a little.

"I was nervous too." he replied, slowing his pace a little to decrease her risk of falling.

"Please, Prince Charming doesn't get nervous." Emma retorted.

"Please, I was shaking! But as soon as I saw your mother, looking so beautiful, I wasn't nervous." Emma nodded, taking in her father's words. She took a deep breathe and braced herself as her and David rounded a corner and found themselves in the mist of her wedding. A long white isle stretched out in front of her, and at the end was Killian. Her Killian. He looked so handsome in his pirate suit. Emma had tried to convince him to wear a tuxedo but he said it looked hideous and "Where's the leather?" and insisted on wearing his captain's outfit. But now, seeing how amazing he looked in it, Emma was glad he decided to go traditional.
She heard multiple gasps as She and David began the short walk down the isle. Probably because they had know idea how Mary Maragret managed to wrestle her into a dress, and believe me, it took a lot of convincing but she managed to get her to wear a simple white dress with a long white cloak, traditional Enchanted Forest wedding dress. She thought Emma looked "simply glamous and amazing" and "I can't believe my daughter is so beautiful". Emma thought she looked like a snowflake, but as long as her mother was happy. Emma glanced towards the front row to catch her eye, and she gave her a reassuring smile. Henry beamed from between his grandmother and Regina, who gave a little smirk as Emma made her approach. Robin full out beamed from beside her, his and Zelena's newborn daughter in one arm and the other slung around Roland.

"Almost there." David muttered, tearing her eyes away from her family.

"Good." Emma whispered back. Only a few more steps to the alter, to Killian. She quicked her pace a little and took the last few steps until she was right in front of him. David took Emma's hand and placed it ceremoniously on top of Killian's. Emma thought she was the only one to notice his slight hesitation. Her father dropped his hand and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, glared a Hook and finally went to sit beside Mary Maragaret, taking her hand. Emma grabbed Killian's hook so both her hands were in his, and the priest, who just so happened to be Archie, began the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today to witness to union of two..." Emma glanced at Killian and his gaze met her's. He squeezed her hand gently and gave her a classic wink. Emma rolled her eyes and Killian smirked.

"You look beautiful Swan." He whispered, causing Emma's cheeks to flush with pink.

"Not so bad yourself," She smiled at him, meeting his eyes. He winked and Emma blushed again. Even on their wedding day, Killian could still give her butterflies.

"I told you I would win you over." Emma's head whipped up and darkness clouded over her eyes. How dare he say that? Was he glad that Neal had died? So he could just swoop in and take her after he died? Was Killian in on his death? Did he cause it? Anger raditiated from her and she dropped Killian's hands and stepped back, causing Archie to stop his speech.

"What's wrong love?" Killian shot her a worried look, but Emma flinched back from his attempt to grab her hand.

"How dare you say that!" She shouted, shaking with anger. Emma heard gasps emminate from behind her, but she ignored it.

"Are you glad that Neal died so you could have me all to yourself?!" She continued. Emma could feel the wall she had built up against the darkness shatter and it eminated from her in waves. She could've tried to contain it, but she didn't want to. It felt good, like her body had been craving it.

"Emma, love, that's not what I-" But Emma cut him off by plunging her hand into his chest. Killian let out a gasp as she pulled out his heart.

"Emma!" Mary Maragret let out a startled cry and rushed forward, but Emma flicked her wrist and sent her mother flying backwards.

"I trusted you." Emma snarled, feeling tears forming in her eyes. How could she be so stupid as to not see through Hook's little charade.

"I loved you." A small smile played on her broken, tear stained face as she watched the light fade out of his eyes and he collapsed in front of her.

"I love you, Swan." Were the last words Killian muttered before his heart was reduced to dust. Emma felt a split moment of triumph before the crushing weight of what she had just done fell down on her.

"No." Emma collapsed onto her knees and cradled Killian's head onto her lap. What had she done? She felt tears burn her eyes and she let them fall. She sobbed in front of her family and friends who all stood there with shocked expressions at the quick turn of events.

"Emma-" She felt David's hands on her shoulder and she flinched away.

"Don't touch me!" she hissed, but he didn't listen. David scooped her up into her arms as if she was a two year old with a nightmare, and she let him, sobbing into his shirt.

"What have I done?"

Hey guys I've written 30+ chapters so I think I'll upload one a day


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