One Shot #27

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Killian had never driven more carefully in his life. Granted he was a terrible driver and there were still a lot of bumping and swerving involved, but he didn't crash this time. It was especially important since he had his newborn son and wife in the backseat. Every couple seconds he'd glance back at the pair, checking to make sure they were okay. Emma would just give him a reassuring smile and tell him to keep his eyes on the road. Finally, they (somehow) managed to get back to their apartment, setting Liam in his crib for the first time. The proud new parents took a seat on the small couch in the nursery, safe in each other's arms as they watched their son sleep.

"He has your eyes." Emma said after a while, a smile playing across her tired face. "Blue like the sea."

"And I bet he has your determination and heart, love." Killian replied, earning another smile from Emma.

"We'll just have to wait and see, huh?" she chuckled lightly, leaning her head against his chest.

"Tired?" Killian asked, tracing ups hook lightly across her back. She simply nodded into his chest, closing her eyes. Emma had just given birth less than 24 hours ago. Killian grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and pulled it around Emma as she drifted off to sleep.

"Liam, Mommy and I have to tell you something." Killian said, pulling his son onto his lap. The five year old stared at his father with big blue eyes, curious as to what his parents were going to say.

"Liam, you are going to be a big brother in a few months." Emma said with a huge smile, glancing lovingly over at her husband, who bounced Liam gently in his knee.

"We are get'n a baby?" Liam asked, blinking at his parents.


"Killian, I don't think I can do this." Emma sighed, putting her head in her hands. Killian chuckled softly, hughi,g his wife from behind.

"What's so wrong with Liam going to kindergarten, love?" he smiled, watching the small boy gather his things into his backpack.

"My baby isn't a baby anymore." Emma frowned. "Look at him, getting ready all by himself."

"But there will be another baby around here soon enough." Killian reminded her, placing a hand on her swollen stomach and she smiled.

"You're right, and on the plus side, we'll have some more alone time now." Emma smiled seductively stretching her neck upwards to kiss him. Killian kissed her hapily, wrapping both arms around her.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." A small voice made them jump away from each other.

"Sorry, Liam." Emma said, blushing a little. Killian chuckled and ruffled his son's hair.

"Ready for your big day of school, lad?" He asked, kneeling so that they were the same height. Liam nodded vigorously.

"Do you remember what I told you to do?" Emma asked, setting a bowl of oatmeal in front of him.

"Don't tell 'bout family or magic or swords or pirates." Liam said, taking a bite of his breakfast.

"Good." Emma smiled, "We have to keep that a secret."


"Mom, Dad, can I have a friend over?" Liam asked one night at dinner.

"Who?" Emma asked, swallowing a bite of her spaghetti. The fourteen-year-old had been getting very popular at school lately and was having friends over left and right.

"Oh no one really..." Liam trailed off, stabbing at his dinner and blushing.

"He wants to have Riley over." Leia piped up, the third grader smiling smugly.

"Who's Riley, lad?" Killian asked, trying to suppress a smile as he fed baby James another bite of his baby food.

"She's no one." Liam said immidiatly, his blush growing fiercer.

"Riley's his girlfriend!" Leia interrupted with a gap-toothed smile.

"Girlfriend!? You never told me anything about a girlfriend!" Emma exploded on him, while Killian gave his son a thumbs up. Emma elbowed him in the ribs for that one.

"Yeah, we kinda started dating last week." Liam said, nervously running a hand through his hair. Emma just stared at him, not saying anything.

"Good job, lad! That's my son." Killian grinned, earning him a glare from his wife. There was a long and scary moment of silence before Emma finally replied.

"Yes, Riley can come over."


"Grandma!" Liam whined as Mary Maragaret excitedly taking yet another picture of her grandson in his tux. "It's just senior prom." Mary Maragaret scowled at him, her hands on her hips.

"Liam David Jones! This is the closest thing to a ball in your world and I'm sorry if that makes me a little crazy!" She snapped, but her smile still remained. Emma walked up behind her mother, sneakily snatching up the camera.

"Hey!" Mary Maragaret squealed, grabbing for it, but Emma retreated behind Killian, smiling triumphantly at Liam and making Leia smile.

"You're welcome." she told him as he smiled gratefully. "Now go, you have to pick Avianna up and you don't want to be late." Liam nodded, heading towards the door.

"Wait!" Mary Maragaret interjected, catching his wrist. "Forgetting something?" she smiled, holding up the corsage that had been sitting on the table. Liam smiled, taking it from her and, to Mary Maragaret's surprise, pulling her into a hug.

"Thanks, grandma." He smiled, pulling away and reaching for the doorknob. "Bye mom, bye dad, bye Leia!" he called, slamming the door behind him as he ran to his car. Leia sighed, watching her brother out the window.

"I can't wait for my prom next year." she said, smiling thoughtfully. Killian, walked up behind her, huggging her from behind.

"You aren't thinking about going with a date, right?" He asked in his "dad voice."

"Dad, it's a dance. You have to go with a date." Leia said, rolling her eyes as if that was common knowledge to pirates.

"You still have to get through eighth grade, kid." Emma smiled, joining her husband and daughter at the window, watching as Liam's car pulled out of the driveway.


"I think that's the last of it." Liam said, setting down the last box. He collapsed onto the empty mattress, sweating from all the heavy lifting.

"You want us to help you set up?" Leia asked, running her fingers over the sealed edge of a box. Liam shook his head.

"I'll be fine." he said, adding a smile. Emma walked over and sat beside him on the mattress wrapping an arm over his shoulders.

"I can't believe you're going to college." Emma sighed, laughing a little. Liam smiled, looking over at Killian, Leia and James who were arguing about whether to eat at Burger King or Chick-fil-a for dinner.

"It'll be fine, mom. Don't forget who's blood runs in my veins." he chuckled, glancing at Killian, "I'm half pirate and half royalty. I'll be fine."

"I know, but that doesn't mean I won't miss you." Emma sighed. "But you are going to be a great journalist one day, Liam. I can see how you and Henry are related." Liam kissed her cheek and wrapped Emma in a hug.

"I love you, mom."

"I love you, too kid."

That was v short and a proper one shot is wayyyyy over due I know....I'm in the middle of one though so hopefully it'll go up next week :)


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