One Shot #23

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(5x11 AU)

They were dead. All of them, everyone Emma had ever loved, was gone at the hands of her true love, but somehow, it didn't hurt like she thought it would. That guilt that she'd suspected she'd feel after she failed to save them, was nonexistent. There was no remorse or pain or sorrow. Instead, Emma felt stronger, like she was finally able to be free. 'My family was holding me back.' She thought one day, tasting the idea in her brain. At first, she was shocked at herself, wondering how something like that could ever possibly cross her mind, but then it began to grow on her and she realized the truth in it. They didn't want her to rise to full potential as the Dark One, they hindered her and tried to rid her of her magic. No, a real family wouldn't do that to her. Her real family was the only one that had allowed her to be herself, and she was loosing him.

"Killian Jones! Killian Jones! Killian Jones!" She called, a poof of smoke emanating from behind her. She spun around as Killian opened his mouth to speak, an angry expression crossing his face, but Emma cut him off with a kiss, pressing her lips to his. Killian jumped back with a snarl.

"Don't play games with me, Swan." He growled placing his hand on Exacaliber, which was protectively sheathed at his side. "Why do you want me here? Your family isn't coming back, Emma."

"That's why I summoned you here, to thank you for ridding me of them." Emma said, causing a surprised look to cross his face.

"Let me get this straight. You're thanking me for killing your family?" Killian said, shock running through his words. She nodded simply, not saying anything.

"Glad you finally joined the right side, love." Killian said curtly before kissing her once more. She relished the taste of his lips on hers, loving the way the melded perfectly together. After a solid five minutes, Killian abruptly pulled away.

"You're trying to trick me." he spat harshly, unsheathing Excaliber and putting it to her neck in one swift motion.

"I'm not, I swear." she said, managing to prevent herself from stammering. Killian took a step back. She was telling the truth; why didn't he trust her?

"Why do I not believe you?" Killian said, an evil glint in his eye.

"I will do anything to prove my loyalty to you," Emma said, grabbing his arm and staring deep into his blue eyes.

"Anything?" he raised his eyebrow, grinning slightly as she nodded.


"Rip out its heart and crush it." Killian instructed, pointing to the squirming baby in Emma's arms.

"Killian, I'm not going to murder my little brother." Emma said. She tried to sound tough and authoritative, but her voice came out as a timid squeak.

"Then I can't trust you." Killian said simply. "And I don't like having untrustworthy people around my town." He growled, patting Excaliber threateningly. Emma gulped and tighter her grip on Neal.

"Are you saying that you're going to kill me." She said, her voice a harsh whisper.

"I'm not going to do anything that I don't have to, love." Killian smiled, almost mockingly. Emma sighed. What was baby good for, anyway? He was nothing but an unloved orphan, like she was. 'I can't let him go through the same thing I did. This is for his own good.' Emma thought, plugding her hand into Neal's chest and pulling out a tiny red heart. She crushed it before the baby even had a chance to cry. Emma immediately retreated into Killian's arms, who wrapped her in a protective hug as she sobbed.

"There, there, Emma. It will be okay. I'll protect you, now. I'm your family." He soothed as she cradled her brother's limp body. She had just murdered her infant brother for Killian, and she regreted nothing. They were together and that's what mattered.

"Can we bury him at least?" She sniffled, glancing up at Killian. He nodded and took her hand, leading her out of the loft, which now belonged to Mother Superior and Baby Hood. They buried Neal beside his parents and nephew.

"He sacrificed himself for our love." Emma said, "He died of a noble cause." she said smiling at Killian.

"Aye." he agreed, squeezing her hand.

"Can I tell you something Killian?" Emma asked as they turned away from the cemetery, walking back towards town. They could've poofed back to Emma's house, but walking was more romantic.

"Anything, love. What is it?"

"That felt good, killing. I feel like I'm craving it." she admitted in a flurry of words. "And I have an idea on how to satisfy it." she grinned evilly.

"I have to say, I'm enjoying this new you, Swan."


Emma and Killian stood in the center of town, flanked by the other dark ones. Their hands were intertwined. Twenty or so feet away stood the town's residents, some wielding weapons and torches. Emma almost laughed at their stupidity. She gave Killian's hand a squeeze before gently letting go and walking until she was nose to nose with Leroy, who was at the head of the group.

"Hello dwarf." she sneered, grinning slightly.

"What happened to you, Emma?" Leroy sighed sadly, shaking his head.

"I realised who I was." She stated simply, glancing briefly back at Killian who smiled. Emma traced a white nail along Leroy's chest, stopping right above his heart.

"What, you gonna kill me? Well get on with it then." Leroy sneered, trying to mask his fear with confidence. It wasn't working. Emma gave him a smile and pulled back her hand to Rip his heart out, when a voice stopped her.

"Emma, wait!" Belle called, pushing her way to the front of the crowd until she was standing beside Leroy. "You can't do this."

Emma gave her a wicked smile. "Just watch me." As quick as a flash of light, Emma spun, her hand plugding into Belle's chest and ripping out her heart, Belle gasped in pain and fear as Emma reduced her heart to dust. The lifeless girl feel to the ground, gasps running through the crowd. Emma turned around and met Killian's eyes with a triumphant look, but he gave her a lost stare as if waking up from a dream.

"What's wrong, love?" She asked, using his pet name.

"Y-you killed her. You killed my friend." he said, looking around in bewilderment.

"What do you mean? You were the one who said that we couldn't have untrustworthy people around." Emma said, getting angry at his strange attitude.

"I was wrong." he said, unsheathing Excaliber. Emma took a step back. Was he going to kill her? "I'm sorry Emma."

"You tra-" she was about to yell 'traitor', but she stopped when she realized his intentions weren't to kill her. Killian raised the sword, and a vortex οf daekness began to form, eminating from the other Dark Ones, including Emma. She barely had time to register andything, before Killian plundged the sword into his chest.

"No!" Emma screamed, rushing forward to catch him as he sunk to the ground.

"I love you." he whispered, before going still. There was a sudden, flash and the Dark Ones vanished and Emma was her normal self again, red jacket and all. She didn't even notice. Tears flowed freely from her cheeks as she sobbed over Killian's body, not caring who saw. Her true love was dead and it was all her fault! Suddenly, a wave of guilt passed over her and she lifted her tear-stained face to gaze at Belle. Her lifeless eyes stared into the sky and her lips looked pale and cold. The town stood frozen in shock behind her. Their expressions soon changed to anger as they looked at her. Emma stood slowly and took a step back, stumbling a little, before turning and sprinting to her house where she collapsed against the door, tears still pouring from her face.

"What have I done?"

This chapter was v rushed but i still kinda like the darker aspects of Captain Swan °-° but Captain Beauty (belle and hook) are Brotp fight me


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