One Shot #6

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"Swan?" Killian's voice caused Emma to look up from her phone. She had been digging through countless articles and cases for her job at the station, and had been engrossed in the 'magic box' (in Killian's words) all morning.

"Yes, Killian?" She asked, glancing up from her phone just briefly enough to make eye contact, Emma was very busy after all.

"Are you ever going to teach me to use one of those?" Killian asked, tapping the corner of her iPhone, and causing Emma to smirk.

"You want to learn how to use a cell phone?" Emma said slowly, laughing a little.

"Phone? Is that what's it's called?" Killian asked, testing the foreign word on his tounge. "Well how does it work?"

"Magic." Emma replied, with a smirk. Killian's eyes widened and he argued that there was no magic in this realm, causing Emma to laugh harder.

"I'm just kidding. But really, nobody really knows how they work." She shrugged and Killian gave her a blank stare, confused. How could Emma possibly not know how the thing work it? He wondered
"Well, at least teach me how to use one, love." Killian pleaded. Emma smiled and turned off her phone, setting it on the table in front of her and Killian scooted the bar stool closer to her, close enough for her to feel his warm breathe on her neck, giving her chills.

"This," she explained, pointing to the small button on the top, "Turns the phone on." she pressed the button and the sceen lit up, and so did Killian's eyes. Emma pressed it again and the phone shut off.

"Your turn." she passed the phone to Killian and he stared at it briefly before jabbing the button and the phone turned on, much to Killian's delight.

"I did it!" He smiled, his twinkling eyes meeting Emma's and she gave him a smile.

"Now turn it back off." she instructed. Killian nodded and bit his lip, before pressing the power button and turning the phone off again. He gave a trumphent smirk.

"Good, now turn it back on and slide the screen to the right. Then press the keys 1 0 2 2. Got that?" Emma asked him, meeting his eyes and Killian bit his lip before nodding. He pressed the power button and the phone lit up. Killian then slid Emma's phone across the counter and it would've slid off if she didn't catch it. Emma started laughing and Killian shot her a confused look.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" He asked, making her laugh harder, and apparently Emma's sweet sounding laugh was contagious because soon Killian was laughing, too. Emma tried to catch her breathe but every time she caugh a glimpse of Killian laughing, she caught another fit of giggles. They both ended up on the floor, laughing for really no reason at all.
Finally, Emma composed herself enough to sit back up in the chair and continue with Killian's lesson.

"Slide it like this." Emma explained as she clicked the power button and her home screen lit up. She then proceeded to slide her finger along the screen and type in her password, which happened to be her birthday. Killian absorbed the new information like a sponge and tried it on his own, this time successfully unlocking her phone, revealing the home screen to be a picture of Emma and Henry, smiling and making funny faces.

"How did you and Henry get in there?" Killian asked skeptically, staring at her wallpaper, Emma just laughed.

"Its a picture, it- here let me just show you." Emma tapped the camera button and it launched into selfie mode. She picked her phone up and gave a short warning of "Smile!" before clicking the shutter button and capturing a very confused Killian on camera.

"What was that, Swan?" Killian asked, but she ignored him, pulling up the picture and turning the phone around to show him and he chuckled a little.

"How'd it do that?" he asked, smiling at the picture.

"I told you, nobody knows. It just works." Killian plucked the phone out of her hand and scrutinized the picture.

"I look bloody awful!" Killian exclaimed, causing Emma to chuckle. Sometimes her boyfriend acted like a teenage girl.

"Here let's take another." Emma pulled up the camera again and this time warned him by counting down from three. On one, she pressed the shutter button, both her and Killian making silly faces. Emma laughed as she pulled up the photograph and showed it to Killian. Emma's tounge was sticking out of her mouth and her eyes were all scrunched up, Killian had cocked his eyebrow and was staring very skeptically at the camera. He laughed when he saw it.

"Is that us?" he chuckled and Emma nodded, grinning.

"Okay, enough distractions. Back to your lesson." she fake-scolded him, smiling widely, "Do you remember how to unlock the phone?"

"I think so, love. Let's give it a go, shall we?" Emma turned the phone off and handed it to Killian, who studied it briefly before proceeding to turn it on and type in the passcode.

"Easy." he smiled smugly.

"Okay then Mr. Technology, call David then." Emma gave a smirk of her own. Killian bit his lip and gaze down at the screen. After a five or so minutes and lots of trial and error, Killian pulled up the phone app, he gave a quick proud smile before it dissipated into a frown of confusion.

"Well, what now?" Emma rolled her eyes and explained that you only had to hit the number two key, since David was on her speed dial. After Killian finally seemed grasp that concept, Emma moved onto texting. That one took about an hour for Killina to understnd, but he finally seemed to get it. The sun was going down by the time Killian was almost the master if the iPhone and he and Emma were battling on Clash of the Clans, using Henry's phone as we l as Emma's.

"You've become quite the master, Killian. " Emm smiled up at him as she turned Henry's phone off and set it on the counter and twisted her hair up into a bun. Killian smiled at her, meeting her eyes.

"I had quite the teacher." he smiled before leaning forward and kissing her. Emma kissed him back, smiling as she deepened the kiss, pulling the collars of his shirt to get him closer. They finally pulled away, breathless and blissful.

"Thank you, Swan."

"Anytime, Killian."

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