One Shot #9

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Emma's alarm pulled her out of her deep sleep. It was still dark outside, that's what she got for waking up at six. It wasn't like she wanted to go to school, but her adoptive parents would kill her if she skipped again, and Emma couldn't risk that. She was actually happy in this home. Her parents were kind and caring. They were older, in their seventies, and their three kids were all married and had kids of their own. Being an only child, Elaine and Tom pampered and spoiled as much as any kid could hope for. On her sixteenth birthday last fall, they got her a yellow VW Beetle and won over her love with the generous gift. It wasn't the car itself that made her love them, sure it was expensive, but they were a rich family and could easily afford it. It was the fact that they actually cared enough to get her one, the earned them her trust. The next spring, they adopted Emma and she loved them as much as if they were her real parents. Emma finally had a home. But that didn't stop her little rebellious streak. She got in fights at school a lot and skipped class. Emma didn't know why she did, it just happened. She hated seeing the look of disappointment on Elaine's face when ever her adoptive mother had to come pick her up from detention. She tried to be good, she truly did. But good just wasn't on Emma's side.

"Alright, I'm up." Emma groaned, shutting of her alarm before it woke the whole house. Emma slipped out of bed and walked across her room to her dresser. She pulled on a white tank top and jeans before running down the hall for breakfast. Elaine stood at the stove, stirring a pot of home-made oatmeal. Emma took her place at the kitchen bar and took a swig of the juice that sat in front of her.

"How'd you sleep, Emma?" Elaine asked, not taking her eyes off the oatmeal as she added cinnamon.

"Great." Emma replied, taking another sip of juice. "Do you need help with breakfast?" Elaine shook her head, refusing Emma's offer.

"No, the oatmeal's done anyway." Elaine smiled, scooping a hearty serving into a bowl and setting it in front of Emma. "Eat up." Elaine poured herself a bowl and took a seat beside Emma. The two sat in comfortable silence, enjoying their delicious breakfast, Elaine was quite the cook.

"I gotta go, don't want to be late." Emma stood and kissed Elaine's cheek before grabbing her backpack and red hoodie and heading out the door into the cool New York air. She began her long trek down the driveway, her "parents" owned a horse farm and the driveway was at least half a mile long, so Emma had to leave extra early to catch her bus.

When the rickety old yellow box pulled in front of her drive, the Sun was finally starting to rise over the treetops. Emma climbed up the stairs and took a seat in the back beside the same sleeping boy she did everyday. He probably didn't even know that she existed, or of their little routine, and Emma was okay with that. The boy scared her, to be honest. He always wore complete black and his headphones, which were always in his ears, blasted screamo. So if he didn't notice Emma, it was probably for the better.

They arrived at school at 7:12, same time as always, and Emma jumped out of her seat and dashed into the school as quickly as she could. She rushed to her locker and was surprised to see someone digging in the locker beside hers. It had been empty ever since the first day of school and Emma really liked not having anyone next to her. She groaned internally. The new kid wore all leather, even his boots and jeans were black leather. His close cropped black hair carried down into sideburns and his ears were piecred. 'Another weird emo kid in my life' Emma thought as she squeezed in next to him. As she did so, the boy turned to look at her and Emma had to refrain herself from gasping. This kid was hot. His deep, chocolate eyes stared at her with soft intensity and his chiseled features resembled those of an angel. His chin was covered in stubble, giving off the 'I'm too lazy to shave' look, but it onlu added to his gorgouesness. Emma was spellbound.

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