One Shot #4

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(This AU takes place in episode 3x12 when Emma looses her memory and moves to NYC and Walsh proposes and all that stuff)

Hook hated New York as soon as he stepped foot in it. He'd learned through Regina that it's was an island and that got him excited, most islands are full of docks and moors and centered around sailing. But New York City was not like any other island he'd been on, much less any place. The buildings stretched to the clouds and people crowded the streets, bumping and pushing him. If only Emma was here with him, she'd know the way around. Maybe they'd stop at one of the strange shops and eat this world's peculiar food. They'd hold hands like he saw so many couples doing.
Knock it off, Killian he chided himself, Emma would never care for him, he was just a pirate. There was no hope in imagining a future that clearly wasn't going to happen. Killian looked up and realized that the sun was starting to set and he was still was very far from his destination. He quickened his pace and the restaurant came into sight. He slipped inside the door when the host was busy helping a customer and walked towards the back of the restaurant, searching for that familiar blonde head and beautiful face. Killian's eyes landed on her and his heart stopped in his chest. Emma looked so beautiful, stunning even in a sleek black dress that hugged her perfectly. But then Killian's gaze shifted and caught on a man sitting across from her, Killian hated him instantly. They way Emma looked at him, so full of love and passion, broke his heart in a way he never knew possible. The man reached forward and grabbed Emma's hand, squeezing it ever so gently. He muttered something Killian couldn't hear and left the table. This was his chance. Killian dashed across the room and took the empty seat across from Emma, who was immersed in her phone.

"Hang on, I just need to take care of one quick work thing-" she cut off as she noticed Killian there instead of her date. "You!" she exclaimed, "You are a stalker!"

"I can explain." Killian replied softly, trying to calm her down. He couldn't believe she didn't recognize him, he didn't until he saw the fear in Emma's eyes from being confronted by a (devilishly handsome) stranger.

"Don't scream, just hear me out." Killian continued, "I don't do this very often, so treasure it, love. I've come to apologize."

"Are you trying to kiss me?" Emma's hand inched towards her knife.

"Just trying to jog your memory. Emma, your parents are in grave danger." That seemed to spark some interest in her eyes, but she didn't let her guard down.

"Wha- What do you mean?"

"Emma, I know you think you are an orphan, that's what you've thought your whole life, but everything you believe is wrong." Killian needed this to work, he needed Emma in his life.

"You don't know me." Was all she said.

"I know you better then you know yourself." Killian's words couldn't have been more true. This wasn't who Emma was, not the Emma he knew, "I have proof." he reached into his pocket and pulled a piece of paper and passed it to Emma.

"Take a gander, here's an address. If you want to know who you really are, who your parents are, go there." He pleaded her.

"Leave. Now." Emma glanced cautiously over her shoulder for her date.

"Before, a year ago, you can still remember-" she cut him off

"A year ago I was In Boston, until a fire destroyed my apartment and forced us to move here."

"Regina really did a number on you." Killian smiled sadly

"You're a crazy person. And a liar. Or both."

"I prefer dashing rapscallion." Killian interjected cockily, causing Emma to glare. He missed her so much. If he tried hard enough, he could imagine that they were having a normal conversation back In Storybrooke.

"Give me a reason not to punch you in the face."

"You really don't believe me." His voice caught a little, but he did his best to hide it, "Try using your superpower. Yeah, I know about that, use it and see if I'm telling the truth."
Killian prayed that she would believ him, he could see a part of her did, but was it enough?

"Just because you believe something is true does not make it real."

"Maybe, maybe not, but I know you, Swan. You sense something's off. Go to that address and take a chance, and you'll want to talk, I'll be in central park by the entrance to the zoo. Your families and trouble, and they need your help." Now, close to tears, Killian stood up and left a puzzled Emma at the table. He walked out of the restaurant and behind it to the big windows where he could see Emma's table inside. She scrutinized the note, but stuffed it quickly in her pocket as her date returned. Why Killian was still there, he didn't know. Something just wouldn't let him leave Emma just yet. He watched on as a women brought Emma desert and she shook her head in protest, but her date seemed to insist, pushing the plate towards her. Emma seemed to gasp a little as her gaze caught on something in the desert. Killian watche on in horror as she picked up a ring. Her date took it from her and got down on his knee in front of her. As soon as he openened his mouth to speak, Emma threw her arms around him showering him with kisses. The man slipped the ring on Emma's finger, and they walked out of the restaurant hand in hand. Killian couldn't take it. He broke down outside the restaurant. That was supposed to be him in there! That was his Emma that was intertwined with that other man. But she was his no longer, she would be married to that weasel of a man. Maybe he could win her over after she met him in the park. Emma would have to remember then. But Killian lost all hope of ever seeing her again as he watched the address he gave her flutter to the floor. Filled with sadness and failure, Killian headed back to Storybrooke, his heavy heart weighing him down.


"What do you mean she isn't coming back?!"David slammed his fist on the table. Killian had just told the royal family the news, and it had brought Mary Maragret to tears and David looked ready to murder him.

"There's nothing else he could've done, Charming," Heavily pregnant Snow tried to calm her husband down, but the David was too far gone.

"This is why you never send a pirate to do a king's job! If I had gone instead of him, Emma would be here right now!" Charming growled, glaring at Hook menacingly.

"Don't you think I feel bad enough?!" Hook retorted, "I just lost the love of my life! And she doesn't even know that! Emma's run off with some other guy, she's happy." Hook's voice broke on the last word and he put his head in his hands.

"I will be out of your way now." he muttered bitterly, holding back tears as he rushed out of the room. Killian fled the apartment quickly and his feet carried him to the docks. He sat down on the edge, his boots inches from above the water. He should've tried harder to get Emma back. Now, she didn't even know that he, or her family, existed. He would never see her again, now that she had run off with that man. Hook gazed down at the water, it looked so tempting. With last glance back at Storybrooke, he hurled himself into the water. Hook's vision went hazy and he succumbed to the blackness of death.

Okay I'm crying now writing comment, vote and all that if it made you cry too!



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