One Shot #13

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"David, can I ask you a question?" Killian asked David, breaking the ever-long silence that had fallen over the sheriff's station. Killian had been filling in for Emma, who was out sick with the flu. They had been filing old cases and cleaning up the office while they waited for a call, in silence. David still wasn't very fond of the pirate, even if he did owe him something after killing him back in the alternate universe.

"Yes, Hook?" David asked, not glancing away from the computer he was working at.

"I think you might want your undivided attention on me for this, mate." Killian replied, sitting down in the chair across from the prince. "And keep in mind that you killed me once." He said before continuing. David raised an eyebrow at Killian, but turned away from the screen.

"Emma has fought bigger battles than we can imagine to overcome her darkness and, as much as you dislike it, for us to be together. I would like to reward her sacrifices by asking for her hand in marriage." David leaned across the desk and grabbed Killian by the collar.

"No pirate is going to marry my daughter." he growled in Killian's face, and he just chuckled.

"You owe me one, you k-"

"I killed, you. I know." David said, sighing and sitting back down. "I just got my daughter back and now you want ne to give her away again?"

"Well, yes."

"Do you love her?"

"I would give my life for her." Killian replied, and, in all honesty, that was probably the most true thing he had ever said. He loved Emma to the moon and back and would sacrifice anything for her, even his life.

"Then you have my blessing." David said sadly, after a long pause. "I can see how much my daughter means to you. But if you ever hurt her-"

"I know, I'll be dead by morning." Killian cut him off, before letting his voice soften, "You don't understand how much Emma means to me, and I can't think of another way to express it. Besides, I guess we're even now, eh?"

"Don't push your luck, pirate." David growled, causing Killian to smirk. He'd accomplished step one, only three more to go until the love of his life was finally his wife.


"Ah, Henry. Just the one I wanted to see." Killian smiled, walking into Granny's for coffees for him and David. The boy brightened up when he saw Killian and waved him over.

"Hey, Hook. What brings you here?" Henry asked once Killian had settled down on a barstool.

"I came to get refreshments for your grandfather and I. But, now that I've run into you, I think that can wait." Henry raised an eyebrow in confusion and waited for Killian to continue.

"Henry, you understand that your mother and I are in love right?"

"I have eyes."

"Good, because I want to ask Emma to marry me. I wanted your approval first, since you are her family." Henry only stared at Killian, making him a little nervous. Finally, Henry broke into a big grin and threw his arms around Killian.

"You are going to be the best step dad ever, Hook." Killian let out a tiny sigh of relief. Now there was only one more person to ask, Emma herself.


Emma checked herself one last time in the mirror before rushing down the hall to get the door. The other day Killian had asked her out on their third date, this time they were going sailing and Emma was ecstatic, since they hadn't had any alone time since returning from Camelot.

" 'Ello, love." Killian smiled when she opened the door. Emma pulled him into an embrace, and after a moment, Killian hugged her back. They stood like that for a while, locked in each other's arms, before Emma finally pulled away.

"What was that for, Swan?" Killian grinned, taking her hand and leading her out of the apartment.

"I just wanted to say thank you, for everything. You didn't give up on me, even when I gave up on myself. (A/N I wrote this after the 5x01 episode so I'm just guessing on what happens later in the season) and I love you for that." She reached over and pecked his lips, and as she started to pull away, Killian slid his hand up her neck and crashed his lips back to hers. Emma deepened the kiss, pouring in all the love and emotion she could. When they were out of breath, they pulled away and pressed their forheads together, panting hard.

"I love you Killian Jones." Emma whispered through closed eyes. She felt Killian pull away and when she opened her eyes again, he was on one knee.

"Look Swan, I had this whole night planned, leading up to this, but now seems like as good a time as any. Emma Swan, I love you so much and would do anything for you. Would you do me the great honor-" Killian's speech was abruptly cut off by Emma, darting away from him down the hall. She ran out of Granny's and down the street before Killian caught up to her.

"Emma?" He said softly, grabbing her wrist to stop her. He could feel her pulse beating a mile a minute through her skin and wondered what he'd done wrong.

"I-I can't Killian." Emma said, her voice cracking. Her beautiful eyes were already brimming with tears and with a gentle thumb, Killian brushed them away and cupped her face in his hands.

"Do you think what happened with Neal is going to happen with me? I could never hurt you, and I don't plan on dying and leaving you anytime soon, love." he presses his forehead to hers. "I love you Emma. When you weren't here, I nearly tore myself, and the town, apart in search of you. Now that I've finally got you back, I don't want you anywhere but beside me." Emma surprised him by rushing forward and pulling him into a deep kiss. Killian stiffened with surprise for a second before kissing her back, matching her passion and love. Too soon, they pulled away, panting hard. Killian held Emma in his arms, refusing to let her go. He would hold her forever if he could, but, alas, Emma pulled out of their tight embrace and looked deep into his eyes, searching his face with her sweeping gaze.

"Yes." she whispered, almost to herself, but then her voice grew louder and a smile appeared on her face. "Yes! Yes! I will marry you, Killian!" Tears of joy welled in her eyes as he gently kissed he forehead and pulled her into a another quick hug, relief pouring over him. He didn't think he could live himself if Emma turned him down, she was his light in the dark, his reason for being. He owed her more than he could ever repay.

"I love you"

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