One Shot #31 (Part One)

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It had been three weeks since Emma Swan's death. The sheriff of Storybrooke, the mother to Henry, the true love to Killian, the Savior, was gone. And the whole town felt it. Granny's was at an all time low for dine in customers, but was having a record in delivery sales. No one wanted to leave their homes, or cook. Granny and Ruby didn't want to work either, (Ruby was sick at the thought of profiting from her goddaughter's death) but they still had to pay the bills. Mary Maragaret and David's aparment had been flooded with casseroles, pies and brightly colored flowers. The residents who gave them knew it wasn't any consultation for loosing a child, but what could be? In order to remain composed like the leaders they should be, the couple stayed in their apartment, lest they break down in public. The only person they ever let in was Henry. The poor kid spent all of his time reading and rereading the Storybook to baby Neal. Whenever Mary Maragaret eavesdropped, it was the same story of Emma and Killian's adventure through time. That's where he was when the time for the funeral inevitabley arrived. It took ten minutes to get Henry out of the nursery, and when they finally did, he broke down, collapsing into his grandfather's arms in a fit of tears. David shot his wife a helpless look, his eyes also filling with tears. Mary Maragaret immediately scooped her grandson into her arms like he was a child again.

"Henry, honey, I know you miss her. We all do, but that's why we have to go, to say goodbye." Mary Maragaret whispered, holding his head in her hand. She felt him nod, and he sniffled once before pulling out of their embrace. Another ten minutes passed and they were pulling up by the cemetery where so many lost loved ones had been buried. The trio silently slid out of the truck, walking briskly towards the ever growing crowd of mourners. Henry spotted his other mother almost immidiatley, flinging himself into her arms. Regina gave Mary Maragaret a sad smile as she and David made their way towards her.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to come." Regina stated, staring blankly ahead. Neither replied, only looking ahead and trying to not break down. A flicker of movement along the edge of the crowd caught Mary Maragaret's eye a she let out a small gasp. His green eyes were cloudy and bloodshot, purple bags fanning out from underneath them, and his usual scruff was slowly becoming a beard. She elbowed her husband, pointing at the man, and was about to alert Henry when the boy whispered, "Is that Killian?" The pirate slowly made his way towards them, keeping his face low and his hands shoved into his pockets. This had been the first time, to anyone's knowledge, that he had left his ship since his true love's death. After watching her own true love die, Mary Maragaret knew exactly how he felt, but since she was able to bring David back, she had no experience with the long term effects of that kind of loss. Of course, loosing her daughter was beyond painful, but true love was the most intense kind of love, and the love of a child didn't come close to matching it. Killian came to a stop beside Henry, and the boy promptly pulled him into a hug, burying his face in Killian's chest. At first the pirate was stunned, but eventually gave him a little hug back, before Henry returned his arms to his sides and took his place beside Regina. After an hour, the crowd slowly began to dissipate, everyone heading to Granny's where they would "celebrate her life" after "mourning her death". Mary Maragaret pulled Killian into a quick hug before leaving with David, Regina and Henry, leaving the pirate alone in the graveyard. He let out a long sigh, pulling a small vile from his coat pocket and uncorking it. After much bargaining, he had struck a deal with the crocodile for it. Letting out a breath, Killian tipped the vile over, letting its contents spill onto the fresh earth that covered his love's body. A blue mist begin to swirl around him, coalescing into the form of a women, hovering in a ghost-like state a few inches above the ground.

"Emma." Killian's voice turned to silk as his true love's face appeared and she gave him a soft smile, "It's really you." A tear trickled from his eye as she nodded.

"Before you died, you asked me not to come rescue you, and I intend to honor your wish." Killian starting, wanting to reach out and touch her, but knowing his hand would pass right through. She was as solid as smoke. "But you have to know one thing before I let you go. I love you, Emma Swan. I wanted to marry you, and for you to be the mother of my children. I will never stop loving you as long as I live, you will forever be my true love."

"Killian..." Emma started, but a sob caught in her throat, cutting her off. She watched in silence as Killian reached into his pocket and placed something on the top of her headstone.

"That was the ring I intended to propose with, love. I wish I could give it to you somehow-" Killian said, tears streaming down his face, but Emma cut him off.

"I wouldn't have hesitated." She said, her form slowly beginning to fade, "I would've said yes immediately, Killian, I would rather do nothing but spend the rest of my life with you." Emma was now nothing but the faint outline of a face, and even that was fading.

"I love you." Were the last words she whispered before the apparition faded completely.

"No, Emma! Emma! Wait!" Killian screamed at nothing, sinking to his knees as the realization hit: she was gone for good. After a moment, Killian shakely stood up, his eye catching on the ring as it glimmered in the sunlight. It had been Liam's, the one Emma wore as a sign of Killian's love for her. He had stolen it from her bedside table one night and took it to a blacksmith to have a diamond implanted in it. The finished product was chunky and strange looking with it's thick band and small diamond, but he knew Emma and he also knew that she wouldn't have wanted anything else. If he left it here as a memento atop the headstone, it would get knocked off and washed away by wind and rain, it might be honorary, but what would a body do with a ring? He stepped forward and picked it up in one sweep, placing it back in his pocket, silently vowing to wear it around his neck like Emma had done. Sighing, he trudged back to where he parked the yellow bug. David and Henry had agreed to give it to him, saying it was because he didn't have a car, but he knew it was the only thing they could think to do to help his depressed state. Killian would sit in it for hours, closing his eyes and pretending Emma was asleep beside him, or in the back seat reading. Her faint scent still lingered in the car, although after a few more weeks it would fade completely. Killian drove in silence to Granny's, wanting nothing more then to go back to his ship and curl up in his bed, but Emma wouldn't have wanted him too, so he didn't. Pulling into an empty spot across the street, he locked the car and hopped out, walking quickly towards the restraunt. The bell jangled as he entered and everyone seemed to turn at once to face him. He ducked his head down and made his way to an empty booth in the corner, wanting to be left alone. Sadly his wish didn't come true, but at least his visitor brought him a peace offering.

"This has been helping me cope." David said, sitting down across from him and sliding a glass over. In one sniff, Killian knew it was wiskey. He quickly took a sip, meeting the prince's eyes.

"What do you want?" he spat a little more harshly then he ment to. David sighed, leaning back.

"You looked like you could use a drink." He said, taking a long sip from his own glass, "and it was the only place here where I knew I wouldn't be bothered."

• • •

A week passed and Killian depression was slowly being replaced by the familiar feeling of an all consuming thirst for revenge. Hyde had killed his love, and no one could walk away free from that. It took him a few days to track down the killer but eventually he found him, hiding out in above a cobbler's shop. Loaded down with two guns and countless knives hidden among his clothes, as well as his ever present hook, he set out in the middle of the night. He was almost to the shop when he heard a deep voice spill from the shadows.

"You think I don't know what you're up to?" Hyde laughed an awful laugh, stepping out from a dark doorway. Killian's blood boiled.

"Then you just walked knowingly towards your killer." Killian growled out the threat, pulling out his gun and cocking it menacingly. Hyde didn't reply, just nodded slightly. Killian's gun wavered a little as confusion spred through him, but he didn't have time to act on it before a blinding flash of pain arced through his body. He let out a screamed, and, as the pain slowly faded he warily glanced down at his stomach. Three inches of knife emerged from the center of his gut, blood rapidly spreading from the wound. Hyde's manservant walked around Killian to his master's side, wiping blood off his hands with a handkerchief, smiling devilishly. Killian's vision blurred as he slumped to the ground.

"You should've learned when I killed your girlfriend." Hyde snarled. The words seemed to spark a final bolt of anger through him and within a single second, he raised the gun and pulled the trigger. As his vision went dark, he saw Hyde's body fall to the floor.

I decided to split this into two parts bc it's super dooper long so enjoy this for a few days until I post part two <3


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