One Shot #17

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Henry's forehead was sweating uncontrollably, and his hands were shaking nervously.

"Get it together," He muttered under his breath, shaking his head to clear his thoughts, just in time, too. At that moment, his mother, Emma, his step dad, Killian, and half siblings came in through the front door. Their faces were red their hair was touseled from the bitter cold and wind outside, winter was in full swing.

"Henry? I didn't expect you here." Emma said, walking over and pulling her son into a hug, which was getting harder to do now that he was 25 and six inches taller then her.

"Yeah, I kinda had to tell you something." He said, biting his lip and earning him a confused glance from Killian.

"Okay, we're listening." Leia, his half sister smiled, taking off her coat and sitting down on the couch. Emma and Killian and their son Liam all sat down beside her as well, Henry pulling the ottoman over and sitting across from them. He took a breath and reached into his pocket, putting his worries aside. Leia, being extremely perceptive gasped when she saw what the object was, and, being the teenager that she was, started squealing. Her parents and brother shot her a confused look, and Henry held out the small object, a black box and opened it for them to see. Inside, nestled between soft, black velvet was a shining diamond ring. His family needed no explanation, they knew full well who it was for.

"YOU'RE PROSING TO VIOLET?!" Emma shrieked, jumping to her feet in the same moment that Leia engulfed Henry in a hug, demanding to see the ring. Withouth a reply, she plucked it out of the box and exaimed it's speaking surface.

"Oh, Henry, she'll love it so much!" Leia smiled, making Henry blush.

"Way to go, lad." Killian smiled proudly at Henry, slapping him on the back. "Violet's a fine lass." Henry's blush deepened and he smiled at his step father.

"Thanks, Hook." Why was he ever worried? His family loved Violet, of course they'd be happy for him. He'd fought hard for his love, and it hadn't been easy. She had gone back to Camelot after a little more then a year's stay in Storybrooke, and Henry had promised he'd find a way to see her again. He'd kept up his promise and worked long and hard to grow a magic bean. After seven years, he'd finally succeeded and was reunited with his love. With the help of Merlin and an agreement with Violet's father, they traveled back to Storybrooke. Violet said she liked Henry's world better then her own, but everyone knew she has other reasons for coming back.

"Listen lad, you have to sweep her off her feet, woo her and such." Killian said, wrapping his arm around Henry's shoulders. "Make her feel special, like I did with your mother, eh Swan?" Emma smiled and blushed slightly.

"Its been 'Jones' for sixteen years." She rolled her eyes, no matter how many times she reminded him, her husband still called her by her maiden name. "But you're right, Killian, you're proposal was sweet, you might want to listen to his advice."

"See? She admits it." Killian smiled.

"Thanks, Hook, but I already have an idea." Henry said, his family leaning in as he started to explain.


Violet collapsed onto her bed, worked had killed today, literally, she had to put down one of her favorite patients because of old age. Sometimes being a vet was painful, mentally of course. Violet rolled over, kicking off her shoes, and felt something crinkle under her. She sat up and fished out a note that she had sat on. Rasing an eyebrow, she unfolded it, and gasped at the familiar words.

Meet me at Granny's tonight
<3 Henry

Her mind flashed back to all those years ago in Camelot, that scary night when Emma had torn out her heart. It had taken a long time for Violet to trust the Dark One again, but she eventually came around and Emma was now like a mother to her. Violet shook her head to clear the memories and tucked the note in her pocket and ducked into her closet to find something to wear.


Everything was set and perfect, yet Henry was still nervous as hell and couldn't stop shaking. This was even worse then telling his parents! He took a few sips of ice water in an attempt to calm his nerves, but it didn't help. A wave of fear washed over him as the bright beam of headlights shown in Granny's parking lot- Violet was here. Henry rushed over to the stero and pressed play before running to the door to greet his girlfriend. Violet looked beautiful in a knee length yellow dress and black heels, she was stunning. Henry gently pecked her on the lips and led her over to a table set with candles and a white table cloth. Violet smiled up at him with understanding.

"You recreated our first date." She said, her heart melting a little.

"Yeah, happy anniversary!" He pulled her into a hug. Henry had purposely planned his proposal on this day- he wanted it to be a complete and total surprise. He pulled out her chair and took her wrap, laying on the back of her chair. He quickly took the adjacent and poured their wine.

"What, no soda this time?" Violet joked, remembering their first date. Henry cracked a smile.

"I could always find us some." Henry smirked. They continued to talk and laugh all through the night, it was perfect. Halfway through their dessert, "Only you" came on, and Violet's eyes widened. Henry mentally fistbumped himself for the perfect timing.

"Henry, its our song!" She smiled giddily, "You remebered!" Henry smiled sheepishly, and took her hand from across the table.

"I love you Vi." He smiled, making her blush.

"I love you, too Henry." He took a deep breath and pulled the ring out of his pocket, conceling it in a fist.

"Look, I didn't do this for our anniversary." Henry confessed, causing Violet to raise her eyebrows "You mean so much to me Violet, and we've sacrificed immeasurable amounts to be together. I thought it was only right if I made you my wife." With that he opened his palm, revealing the glittering ring. "Marry me, Violet?" Tears blocking her words, she nodded and Henry slipped the ring on her finger. As soon as he let go, she sprung up and pressed her lips to his, surprising him with a kiss. He kissed back immediately, wrapping his arms around her. Their kiss soon got more heated, and Henry pulled away, already missing the pressure of her lips on his.

"I love you so much Mrs. Mills." Henry said, smiling and pulling her even closer in his arms.

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