One Shot #31 (Part Two)

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The swaying of the Jolley Rodger awoke Killian. He sat up in his bed inside the Captain's Quater's, rubbing his eyes. His dream from the previous night seemed so real, so vivid, like he really killed Hyde. Even if he did die in the process, Killian wished it was real. Standing up, he was about to put on a shirt, as he usually slept without one, when he noticed he was wearing the same clothes from his dreams: black skinny jeans, a Nirvana t-shirt that he had stolen from Emma, (she had showed him the band and he had immediately fallen in love) his leather jacket and even his leather boots. Didn't he put on pajama pants before going to bed like usual? But come to think of it, he didn't even remember getting into bed last night. Dazed, he opened his bed room door and stumbled out onto the deck, immediately met with the terrifyingly familiar sight of the red horizon of the Underworld. No, no, he couldn't be dead, could he? Suddenly, his dream didn't feel so much like a dream. But if that was true, and he was really dead, then Emma could be here, if she had unfinished business, that is. In the back of his mind, Killian wondered what his unfisnished business was this time, but immediately pushed the thought aside. He had to know if she had moved on. Running quickly through the town, he made it to the graveyard in minutes, and found Emma's grave in the same place it was in Storybrooke, beside Robin's, who's had a strange shimmer to it, as if it was a hologram. To his guilty relief, her headstone was uncracked and upright. Of course he would have been happy if she had moved on, but, selfishly, he wanted to see her. A giddy smile crossed his face as he realized that she was down here, perhaps even a few minutes away from him! But where exactly? Killian decided to go to the very heart of Storybrooke, and Underbrooke: Granny's. And that's exactly what he did. For hours, he waited in the shadows of a corner booth, watching and avoiding customers. Days might have passed for all he cared. Finally, after who-knows-how-long, Killian stood up from his booth and made his way towards the door. He had to find a more productive way to get to Emma. Killian was so wrapped up in his thoughts, he almost didn't hear the voice at the counter ordering a grilled cheese and onion rings. Spinning on his heels, he whipped around, his eyes landing on a familiar blonde head.

"Emma?" he asked softly, watching her stiffen before slowly turning around. Emma's green eyes seemed to flash through a thousand different emotions before she took a hesitant step towards him.

"I told you not to come after me." Her angry tone surprised him, and he stumbled back, confusion lacing his expression. "You couldn't obey my dying wish?"

"I-no, um, no, Emma...." Killian trailed off, trying to find the right words, "I did." He said quietly, watching her expression change from anger, to skepticallity, to confusion, to clarity. She understood. Emma opened her mouth to say something, but closed it immediately, stepping forward and pulling him into a hug. Killian instantly hugged her back, a single tear running down his cheek at the feeling of his love back in his arms.

"How did you..."Emma whispered in his ear, trailing off and not finishing her sentence, but Killian understood.

"How did I die? Same way you did." he said bitterly. Emma sucked in a breath, pulling out of their hug and meeting his eyes.

"Let's go somewhere more private." she said, taking his hand and pulling him out the door. Emma led him down the sidewalk and down the familiar streets. He knew exactly where they were going. It only took them about a minute to get from Granny's to their house, they had moved in together shortly after Hyde arrived in Storybrooke. As soon as the door swung shut behind them, Emma seemed to pounce on him, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his torso, crushing their lips together. Killian wrapped his arms around her, kissing her back with necessity, if he wasn't already dead, it would've seemed to be the only thing keeping him alive. They stood like that for a moment until Killian reluctantly set her down, disconnecting their lips.

"I assume you have a story to tell?" she raised an eyebrow, a smile dancing on her lips. Killian offered her his signature smirk and made his way towards the couch, crossing on leg over the other. Emma took a seat at the opposite end on the couch, tucking her feet underneath her, waiting for Killian to speak. As soon as she was situated, he launched into the narrative of everything that had happened since Emma had died, ending with his own death and his successful muder of Hyde.

"You killed him? He's dead?" Emma asked, her eyes wide, and Killian nodded slowly, confused as to why this was so important to her. Sure, their killer was dead and he had avenged her death, but why was she acting so strange about it? Suddenly, adding to his confusion, Emma broke into a huge grin covering her mouth with her hand.

"What is it, love?" Killian asked leaning forward and meeting her eyes.

"Killian, that was my unfinished business. I died without defeating Hyde, without saving my family. I couldn't move on knowing that they were in danger, but now that he's gone..." she trailed off, too estatic to finish, but her expression suddenly shifted to one of great sadness.

"But what's your unfinished business?" Emma asked softly, meeting his eyes. "I'm not moving on without you." she added, as if knowing he was going to argue and convince her to go without him. Killian let out a sigh, setting his arm on the back of the couch.

"I wish I knew, love." he smiled sadly, and Emma suddenly stood up, offering him her hand.

"Then let's go find out." Killian took her hand and she pulled him up, almost dashing out of the house, back down the street.

"Swan, wait for me!" Killian called, scrambling after her, smiling to himself at her sudden eagerness. Emma ran, nearly at a full sprint, down the street and yanked the door for he library open, disappearing inside. Killian caught the door before it closed, slipping in behind her. He found her standing behind the door, the storybook clutched in her hand. Suddenly he remembered, Henry left it so that people could find their unfinished business and move on. Emma was frantically flipping through the pages, a giddy smile plastered across her face as she thought more and more about moving on with her true love.

"I found it!" she exclaimed happily, startling him. As she searched, a comfortable silence had fallen over them, but Emma had broken it with her sudden outcry.

"What is it love?" Killian asked eagerly, peering over her shoulder.

"Your unfinished business was me." she said softly, meeting his eyes. It made sense to him now, clarity suddenly settling over him. Of course his unfinished business was the though that Emma still had some. It kept him up every night, the thought Of her down in Underbrooke all alone for who knows how many years. He cursed himself for not thinking of it sooner.

"And now that I know you can move on, does that mean I can, too?" Killian asked, hope filling his voice. There faces were so close, and he wanted to kiss her so bad, but something made her jerk away, staring in awe at something behind him.  Killian spun around, his eyes widening at a glowing white portal taking the place of the stairs. He could make out the faint shimmer of ocean water and thought he could hear the screeching of seagulls.

"It's heaven." Emma whispered softly, her eyes pricking with tears at the beautiful sight. She took Killian's hand, sharing a glance with him.

"Together?" Emma asked him, a faint smile playing on her lips. Killian smiled back, and together they stepped into the light.

It literally took me years to finish this chapter. I don't know why, I guess I just forgot and all...whoops? Sorry for leaving you on a little cliffhanger (not that you really care) but oh well.

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