One Shot #33 (pt 2)

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(Continued from last chapter)

Five Months Later 
Emma POV

Killian had, in fact, been right. Emma and Milah's parabati ceremony was scheduled for next Sunday at the Dublin institute, and Emma'a family was travelling there to witness it. As well as growing closer to her now best friend over the past months, Emma had been growing closer and closer to Killian as well. They would often fall asleep talking, with Killian curled at the foot of her bed. On one of the first times this had happened, Killian awoken in the dead of night by Emma screaming from a nightmare. He had immediately jumped up and woke her, comforting her as she cried, painfully relaying her dream.

"It's the same dream everytime. Neal and I are fighting a pack of demons in an alley way. Time always slows and I'm frozen to the spot as I'm forced to watch a demon slide it's barbed talon into his neck. I'm helpless to do nothing but watch as he dies." Emma managed between sobs. Killian rocked her back and forth soothingly.

"And the worst part is," she continued, "is it wasn't even a dream. It was a memory." Emma never told him, but her nightmares stopped whenever Killian slept in her room, save for that first occurance. But sometimes, even when he wasn't in her room, he would hear her scream out for Neal in the night and would rush to her side to calm her. That was one of the reasons she had decided to stay in Dublin. Liam had offered her a room in the Institute if she chose to extend her stay, and she readily accepted. That was last month. She had spent every free moment shopping for apartments in Dublin, and had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to surprise Killian and Milah with the news: she wanted to stay here permenently.

"Milah?" Emma knocked on the door of her best friends room, pushing the door open before Milah had a chance to respond, "I have some big news." Milah, who was dding her makeup at her vanity table, spun in her seat, her brown eyes sparkling.

"Well then, get on with it!"

"I'm moving to Dublin, for good. Liam said I ca stay here, at the Institute as long as I want. I've been looking for apartments in the city and-" Emma was cut off by Milah pulling her into a bone crushing hug, and Emma hugged her back, a smile crossing her face.

"We should be roommates, Em! Don't tell Liam, but this place is boring! I want to live in the city, with you!" Emma nodded, and agreed immidiatley. Who doesn't want to move in with your best friend?

"And then," Milah continued, taking a seat on her bed, gesturing wildly with her hands the way she always did when she was deep in thought, "In a few years, we can have a double wedding. Oh it'll be beautiful! And then we'll be sisters for real, Em."

"Sisters, you don't mean..." Emma trailed off confused. It was obvious Milah loved Liam, but for them to be sisters...

"It's obvious you have a crush on Killian." Milah scoffed teasingly, "You two are almost constantly having eye sex at dinner."

"We don't have 'eye sex', what ever that is.' She scoffed, but still felt her cheeks grow hot, and Milah giggled. Emma opened her mouth to say more, when the sound of feet pounding up the stairs gave her pause. Liam appeared in their doorway, panting from his run upstairs.

"Demon attack on the corner of Fifth and Main!" He said briskly, before disappearing down the hall. Milah and Emma exchanged a look, before following him to the armory. Emma immidiatley rushed to her seraph blade, a Whiteswan heirloom that had been in the family for a century, and followed Liam and Milah, who had each grabbed weapons of their own, down the stairs. Killian was waited for them at the bottom of the stairs, seraph blade swung over his shoulders in a nonchalant manor, as if they had all to time in the world.

"Shall we, then?" He asked, sweeping towards the door, and vanishing into the busy street. The other three followed. They half-ran, half-walked to their destination, where three Shax demons were huddled around something on the group. A corpse, Emma realized. She choked back her nausea as they drew closer, tightening the grip on her sword. She saw, from the corner of her eye, Killian leap into action, arching his sword above his head. The demons turned , and the one closest to Emma lunged for her, but she expertly spun out of the way, slicing back with her sword as she did. The Shax barely managed to evade her swipe, and she cursed as it lunged again, catching her off guard with its speed. Pain seared through her left side, and she felt the warm spread of blood begin to bloom over shirt. Tears of pain blurred her eyes as she sliced, putting all her effort into the maneuver, and decapitating the beast in one fell swoop. She had only moments to congratulate herself on its demise, before the world turned black and she collapsed to the hot asphalt.

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