One Shot #24

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Emma burst in through the door to her mansion. Well at least the underworld version of it. She and her family had been in hell for days now, and there had been no sign of Killian, they hoped he'd be here.

"Hello?" Emma called into the dark house, her sword up at the ready in case they were intruding on someone less friendly than her pirate boyfriend.

"Hook?" Mary Maragaret called from beside her daughter, her bow aimed and ready. Emma kicked open the door to the library, ready to attack, but there was nothing there. She opened her mouth to say something to Mary Maragaret when there was a flash of color and she was pulled into a strangely familiar kiss. She jumped back, pulling away, and let out a gasp.

"N-neal?" she stammered, her eyes widening.

"Emma, is that really you? What are you doing here? Are you d-d...." He trailed off, not wanting to say 'dead'.

"No, I'm not." She said, not wanting to admit that she was here to rescue Killian.

"Oh Emma." Neal said, pulling her into a hug, which Emma returned gratefully. "I've missed you so much." They stood like that for a good while, relishing each other's company.

"Wait, if you're not dead, then why are you here?" Neal said, asking the dreaded question.

"Hook, he, uh, well he-" Emma was cut off by Mary Maragaret.

"We're here to rescue him." She finished, Emma giving her a grateful look. Neal's face was an unreadable mixture of emotions.

"I knew you couldn't let your pirate die." He muttered bitterly. "But you could let me."

"No, it's not like that-" Emma tried but this time was cut off by Neal.

"Emma, I understand that Hook is your true love. I know that it wasn't me, never was. I'm okay with that. As long As you're happy, I'm happy." He said, giving a little smile. Emma could tell he was being genuine, Neal really respected her love for Hook.

"I haven't talked to him." he continued. "But I've seen him. Thought I was imagining things."

"So you can take us to him?" Mary Maragaret said hopefully. Being away from her son for so long was really making the woman nervous.

"I can." He said, not talking his eyes off Emma.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Mary Maragaret said, shouldering her bow, "I'll meet you two outside. " she said, already making her way to the door. The old bandit knew when her daughter needed time alone. As soon as Mary Maragaret was out of sight, Nela pulled Emma into another kiss, which she returned gratefully, as wrong as it felt. Eventually, they both ran out of breath and Neal pulled away.

"What was that for?" Emma asked, panting softly.

"A goodbye kiss." He said, and she raised her eyebrow in confusion.

"What'd do you mean?"

"I know that you're going to find Hook and high tail it out of here, as you should. I've seen the way you look at him, a look you've never given me." He said, pausing slightly, causing Emma to sigh in frustration.

"I will always love you, Emma. You and Henry are my family and that could never be replaced." He pulled her into another hug and she buried her head in his shoulder. "Tell Hook to be a good father to my son." Emma thought he was being sarcastic at first, but then she realized that he was sincere. Neal really cared.

"Thank you." Emma mumbled, pulling away and pecking his cheek. Neal smiled at her, leading the way out of the house to where Mary Maragaret was waiting.

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