One Shot #20

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"No, Killian, you are not driving." Emma said, laughter tinting her voice as she opened the driver's side door to her yellow bug and climbed inside. "I'd rather not die tonight."

"C'mon love, I'm a wonderful driver." Killian argued with a smile. Emma just rolled her eyes and started the car.

"You are the worst driver and I'm surprised that I am still alive after your last lesson." Emma muttered, shivering at the memory. Even if smashing into a lamp post didn't kill them, Emma was surprised David's wrath didn't, they had been driving his truck after all.

"Sorry?" he offered and Emma couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

"You're not driving." Emma said firmly pulling out of the lot and onto the highway, headed back towards their apartment in the back of Granny's. They talked and made easy conversation on the ride home, somewhere in that timeframe, Killian had taken Emma's hand while she drove with the other. They talked and laughed, just being an average couple for once. They had just crossed the town line (the restaurant they were eating at was outside of Storybrooke) when a deer jumped out of the woods and onto the road. Her motherly instincts kicking in, Emma swerved to the side, trying desperately to avoid the deer. Killian threw his body protectively over Emma's as the yellow bug slid on the wet road and into tree, where it came to a smoking hault and everything went silent.


"Shouldn't they be back by now?" Mary Maragaret asked, pacing in front of the door. She and David had went to Emma and Killian's apartment to check on them and see how the date had gone. Emma said they would be back around ten and it was already twelve thirty. Her parents were getting worried. David opened his mouth to reply when his phone buzzed and he bent down to check it, hoping that it might be Emma.

"David, we need you and Mary Maragaret at the hospital, immediately!" Ruby's scared voice said through the phone. What was wrong? Why did Ruby, of all people, call him? Something wasn't right.

"We're coming." he said, before hanging up the phone and grabbing his very confused wife's hand. He led her out the door and they sprinted down the street to the hospital, fear tight in their gut. Ruby was waiting for them inside. She was slouched over on a couch, biting nervously on her nails. Something was definitely wrong, Ruby never got nervous like this.

"What's wrong?" Mary Maragaret asked, sitting beside her friend. When Ruby looked up, David could see that there were tears welling up in her eyes and running down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Mary Maragaret. It was a full moon tonight and I wanted to get out of Storybrooke to be safe and when I got to the town line....I'm sorry." she said, choking up a little. Mary Maragaret wrapped her arms around her friend, trying to calm her down.

"What did you find?" She whispered softly.

"There was so much blood! I swear I didn't do it, I didn't kill them! I was still human when I found them. It wasn't me." Ruby sobbed. Mary Maragaret exchanged a scared glance with David before trying to coax more words out of her.

"Who didn't you kill, Ruby?" Mary Maragaret asked in a soft voice, dreading the answer.

"I'm so sorry. Emma and Hook are dead." Mary Maragaret felt her stomach lurch and tears pricked her eyes, blurring her vision. What was she saying? Was Emma dead? How could her daughter be dead? Out of the corner of her eye, she saw David sink to his knees, head in his hands.

"There was smoke and the car was totaled." Ruby continued inbetween sobs. "I'm so sorry." Mary Maragaret slumped against the chair, head in her hands. She barely felt Ruby wrap her arms around her, she had gone numb. Sobs wracked her body as she cried for her daughter. It was so unfair, after all this, for her to die of something so stupid like a car crash! Emma was tougher then this, she couldn't be dead!


"Mary Maragaret, are you ready?" David asked softly, coming up behind her. She shook her head, feeling the tears come once again.

"Its my daughter's funeral, how could I ever be ready." she whispered sadly, choking back a sob. David pulled her into his arms and held her while she cried, tears of his own starting to flow.

"We have to go, to see her one last time." David muttered, feeling Mary Maragaret nod into his shoulder. She leaned on him for support as they walked to across town to the makeshift cemetary, the same one where Neal was buried. The majority of the town was lined up in solemn silence along two freshly dug graves. Mary Maragaret saw Regina clutching Henry and Roland tightly, while Robin held her in return. Ruby was there, tears flowing down her cheeks while Granny tried to comfort her. The whole town was mourning greatly for Emma and Hook. Mary Maragaret and David too there place beside Regina and her family. It was then that Mary Maragaret first noticed the head stone.

"Regina, why does it say 'beloved wife' and 'beloved husband' they were never married." 'One of the many thing Emma and Hook would never expirence.' she added bitterly to herself.

"Didn't anyone tell you?" Regina said, sniffling in order to compose herself. "When they examined their bodies, they found that they were both wearing wedding rings. The pirate proposed that night." Mary Maragaret felt a whole new onslaught of tears come. Hook had proposed to Emma and now they would never be able to get married or have a future together.

"How could I have forgotten?" David whispered. "He had asked for my blessing a few weeks ago...I should have known." he put his head in his hands. Mary Maragaret sat huddled against him, too cried out for tears. She let the sadness build up inside her as she watched her daughter's coffin being lowered into the ground.

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