One Shot #28

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"Killian?" Emma whispered his name softly, as if she said it too harshly he would shatter. The pirate stiffened, his back to her. She could make out bruises on his neck and dried blood covering his torn leather jacket. Slowly, Killian turned around, his blue eyes, yet still beautiful, were full of pain and despair. Emma couldn't help but gasp at his mangled state. Small cuts laced his face, the biggest spanned his whole forehead and was still gushing fresh blood. One of his eyes was swollen shut, no doubt from mulitiple punches.

"E-Emma?" The way Killian spoke her name caused her heart to shatter. His voice was gravelly and harsh, scared and soft, but still full of love. Shakily, she walked over to him, placing a hand on his cheek and gazing into his one good eye. Tears welled in her eyes at the sight of her pirate, beat up but alive. She opened her mouth to speak, but she choked back her words with a sob and pressed her lips to his. The whole world seemed to disappear behind them as they kissed. All the pain and suffering they had both gone through in the past few weeks, both physical and emotional, vanished, eaten away by the raw emotion eminating from them. The kiss was short, but all the love and meaning was there, speaking all the "I love you"'s and "I missed you"'s for them. Emma buried her head in his shoulder as he held her, rocking her back and forth like a child. She hugged him tight, for fear that it she let him go, he would disappear from her again. Neither of them knew how long they stay like that, crying with relief that they were together again. Eventually they pulled apart, their hands still intertwined as they turned around. Before they could even take a step out of Killian's cell, Henry bombarded the pirate with a massive hug, surprising him as well as his mother.

"Hook, you're okay!" he mumbled into Killian's bloody coat. Killian smiled at the boy, then back at Emma before wrapping his arms around him. Henry pulled out of the hug and smiled up at both of them, giddy with excitement at their successful mission. Emma ruffled his hair with the hand that wasn't attached to Killian and smiled at her son.

"I knew you could do it mom." Henry grinned, "I knew you could rescue him." He hugged wrapped one arm around his mother, smiling proudly.

"I think it's time we go home." Emma smiled, taking a step out of the cell, her son and her true love right on her heels. Killian squeezed her hand as they walked back to the rest group who was waiting for them in the library (Emma later discovered that Henry had snuck off to help Emma in her rescue mission without Regina knowing and had scared his other mother have to death). That one simple touch, that tiny action made her heart swell with happiness, as if finally proving that Killian was real and he was (going to be) alive. They were finally together, and after all they'd been through, that's all that mattered.

This is pretty terrible but it's a (n excuse) for a 5x13 AU type thing when they rescue Killy...ik it's bad but hey two updates in a row so yay!


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