One Shot #30

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Emma hated dressing up; it was the one part of life in the Enchanted Forest that she was glad that she had missed out on. But to appease Mary Maragaret, she had agreed to wear a dress just this once.

"You can't wear jeans to your wedding." Her mother had argued as they walked down the street, their arms filled with shopping bags. Since Storybrooke didn't have a bridal shop, Mary Maragaret had offered to make Emma's dress and they had just finished buying all the fabric. (Which had to have weighed at least a ton or two)

"Does it have to be that lacey?" Emma asked, lifting the bag that was filled to the brim with the gaudy stuff. Mary Maragaret glared.

"You said I could make your dress, and I'm going to. If I want lace, then there will be lace." Her mother snapped, fed up with her daughter's complaining. Emma rolled her eyes, but said nothing. As long as she could finally marry her true love, she could care less about what she would be wearing. The thought put a smile on her face. She was marrying Killian, her true love. Her dashing rapscallion. In a few months, Emma would finally be his wife.

(Somewhere across town)

Killian's boots pounded down the wooden stairs of the Jolly Rodger, darkness closing over his head as he entered the cargo hold. Flicking on a flashlight, he was met by the sight of a some crates, filled with his few belongings. Walking over to an old chest, he flipped open the lid, coughing as a cloud of dust was sent into the air. He bent down, rummaging through the old clothes until he found what he was looking for: his formal captain's uniform from his time in the navy. Killian had no idea why he had kept it, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't bring himself to throw it out. Maybe it was the fact that it was the only thing he had from the time of Liam's life. Brushing off the layers of filth that had accumulated on it's surface, he examined it's surface, running his fingers along the assortment of medals and bagdes that still hung over the right breast. Killian smiled, this is what he would marry his Emma in.

(Two Months Later)

"Stop squirming, I'm almost finished." Mary Margaret hissed, finishing up the final touches on Emma's dress. The blonde thought it looked fine, but apparently Mary Margaret wasn't satisfied yet.

"You are going to make me late to my own wedding." Emma argued lazily, twiling a strand of hair around her finger. Her mother examined her one last time before deeming the dress perfect.

"Thanks, mom. It looks amazing." Emma smiled, squeezing her mother in a hug.

"I'm just glad I could help." Mary Maragaret smiled, a tear running down her cheek. "My daughter is getting married." Emma gave her a little laugh and wiped the tears that were now streaming down her mother's cheeks.

"So you're one of those people that cry at weddings, huh?" Emma chuckled, making Mary Margaret smile.

"Well, let's go get you married, then." Emma gave her mother one last hug, taking her hand as they walked outside onto the pavement outside the loft, David's truck sat running on the curb. Her father hopped out of the front seat, walking over to his daughter and pulling her into a hug.

"Wow." he breathed, taking her in. "Mary Margaret did a good job with you, huh?" David smiled at his wife, kissing her lightly on the temple. Mary Margaret smiled and leans into him.

"Ready to go to a wedding?" Emma asked, playing with the hem of her dress. David grinned and took his wife's hand, leading the way to the truck.

"I still cant believe my future son-in-law is a pirate," he feigned an angry voice, causing the women to laugh as they all piled into the truck. They arrived at the wishing well in almost a minute, David driving almost double the speed limit for no reason other then to make his daughter laugh.

"David!" Mary Margaret yelled at him as he floored it.

"Hey, I'm the sheriff and what am I going to do? Arrest myself? And besides, no one is one the road. The whole town is at the wedding." The prince had a point. Emma had wanted a small wedding with just family, but it turned out that the whole town wanted to see their OTP finally get married, and Mary Margaret convinced her that bigger was better.
David pulled the truck up to the end of the isle, the guests and groom hidden by the thick trees of the forest. Emma took a deep breath before hopping out of the truck, Mary Margaret yelling at her not to drag the hem of the dress on the ground. David materialized beside her, linking their arms.

"Ready?" He asked, meeting his daughter's eyes. Emma nodded estatically, a smile lacing her features. Mary Margaret grabbed her other arm and the three began the procession down the isle. They immediately turned the corner and Emma was met with the striking beauty of her true love's green, waiting for her at the end of the impossibly long isle. Mary Margaret and David were the only things keeping her from sprinting into his arms. The walk towards him seemed to take years rather then seconds and it took all her will power not to kiss him as soon as she reached his arms. Emma couldn't help how handsome he looked in his naval captain's uniform. Killian let out a small gasp when she reached him, and she was surprised to see his eyes brimming with tears. She grabbed one of his hands and gave it a soft squeeze as Archie, their minister, began the service.

"We are gathered here today..." Emma barely made it through the opening statement before getting lost in Killian's brilliant blue eyes. She stared at them, watching the colors swirl and shift ever so slightly. She lost track of time and was eventually broken out of her stance by Regina, her sole bridesmaid, poking in her the side.

"What?" Emma asked, disoriented, making a few of the guests snicker.

"I said." Archie clarified, stifling a smile, "Do you promise to love this man, in sickness and in health, in poverty and affluence, until death shall do you part? Well not even then..." Archie added the last part as an after thought, causing everyone to laugh.

"I do." Emma said, smiling at her groom. Archie repeated the question to Killian and he responded with the same two words.

"Then by the power invested in me by the state of Maine, I pronounce you husband and wife!" Emma took one step and quickly closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around her new husband, crashing her lips to his. Killian kissed her back with equal intensity and passion, cradling her head in his hand. They quickly pulling apart, forgetting that they had spectators, and smiled at each other before Killian grabbed her hand and pulled her down the isle through all the cheering townsfolk, back to where David's truck was waiting to take them to the reception. They didn't even make it inside before Killian was kissing her again, harder and rougher then their meager one in front of the crowds. Emma's back was pressed up against the passenger door as she kissed him, not caring that her dress was probably going to be trashed since she was practically standing in mud. Killian broke off the kiss for a quick second, long enough to whisper four words:

"I love you, Mrs. Jones."

I wrote this to help me cope with pain of 5x21 and CS's little break up...but after this week's episode, I guess I got my cheering up :) now this actually COULD happen


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