One Shot #32

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(takes place after 5x18)

"Okay, but what if she doesn't like me?" It was the fourth time Dorothy had asked that in a single hour. She and Ruby had been preparing for their travel back to Storybrooke and as they packed Dorothy's meager belongings, the girl had done nothing but worry. It was Snow's turn to console her.

"Dorothy, it's going to be fine." The princess reassured her, "Granny is going to love you." Dorothy took a shaky breath and nodded. Ruby gave her girlfriend's hand a reassuring squeeze, while taking Snow's hand as well, linking the three of them in a line. Ruby glanced down at her feet, clad in the hideous silver slippers, but as long as they took her home, Ruby couldn't care less about what they looked like.

"Ready?" Ruby glanced at the two women, who both nodded, Snow seeming much more excited than Dorothy. She desperately missed her Neal, and wanted to get home as quickly as possible to see him. Ruby took a deep breath, calling up an image of the diner in her mind's eye, before finally clicking her heels together three times in a quick succession. There was a deafening rush of air as the world spun upside down, the light dimming into blackness. Just as suddenly as it had left, color suddenly came rushing back in Ruby's vision, nearly blinding her. She reached out and grabbed her best friend's arm to steady herself, her body still shaky with dizziness. Blinking a few times, Ruby felt her heart swell as she realized that she was back in front of the diner that had been her home for twenty-eight years.

"Wow." Dorothy let out a little gasp, her blue eyes wide as she took in her first view of Storybrooke. She opened her mouth to say more, but was cut off by Snow's cry of joy.

"Neal, I'm coming, baby!" She yelled to the empty street before squeezing Ruby's arm and setting off to find her son. Ruby watched her disappear, smiling softly as she turned back to face her true love. True love. Just thinking about it sent chills up Ruby's spine. How could this amazing and beautiful woman be in love with her? It all seemed like too much, too fast, but Ruby had not a single doubt in her mind that Dorothy was the one.

"I'm scared, Wolfie." Dorothy said, breaking Ruby from her stupor of thought. She quickly took Dorothy's hands in hers, giving her a reassuring smile.

"You know Granny will love you, Kansas." Ruby repeated for what seemed like the thousandth time that day. But Dorothy just shook her head.

"No, not about that. I'm excited to meet your grandmother, to meet your family." She took a shaky breath, meeting Ruby's brown eyes with her blue ones. "I'm scared about us. We met a little over a week ago, and yesterday I find out that you're my true love? I'm in love with you, but how can that be if we've only known each other for such a short period of time. It's not right." Dorothy said with a smile sigh, averting her gaze. Ruby cupped her girlfriend's jaw in her hand, forcing her head back up. Their faces were inches apart, eyes seeming to bore into each other's souls.

"Kansas, breath. I'm not asking you to marry me or anything like that, yet. We need to take a few years and get to know each other, learn everything about each other. You're right, it's the strangest feeling being in love with someone you've only just met, but I know my feelings for you are true. I love you." Ruby's voice had dropped to a soft whisper, her voice ticking Dorothy's nose.

"I love you, too, Ruby. And I can't wait to know you." Dorothy grinned, tipping her chin up ever so slightly and pressing her lips firmly to Dorothy's. Their kiss was brief but it held so much meaning for both of them. We're going to be okay.

Ruby gently disentangled herself,  taking Dorothy's hand and tugging her towards the diner. She let out a nervous puff of breath before following. The shop bell jangled softly as Ruby pushing the door open, the familiar sound sending shivers up her spine. She allowed a small smile to cross her face as Granny's gray head appeared from the kitchen, handing a platter of food to a man at the bar. She wiped the grease from her palms onto her apron and her wrinkled face towards the door.

"What can I get-" She broke off midsentence, her gaze coming to rest on her granddaughter's face, a smile breaking out across her features, "Red!" She cried happily, rushing out and pulling the flustered girl into a strong embrace that smelled strongly of grease and ancient perfume. But as soon as her good mood had arrived, it disappeared with a purse of the lips and hands on her hips.

"Ruby Anita Lucas! You up and disappear for almost a year, and I have to hear about your departure from, not you, but Snow! When she told me you left to find your pack I thought I was never going to see you again!" Granny was almost shouting. Ruby shrank back from her accusing gaze, guilt seeping through her. Granny's gaze flicked to Dorothy, who she hadn't noticed until now. The other girl flinched  against Granny's hard eyes, her face paling. "Is this one of your pack?" It was Ruby's turn to be nervous. She was so preoccupied with trying to ease her girlfriend's nerves, she forgot about her own. Sure, Granny loved her, but would she love Ruby dating another girl? She hadn't thought this far ahead! Would her old-fashioned grandmother accept them?

"Granny, I have something to tell you." Ruby said softly, treating the news as delicately as she possibly could. Granny's eyebrows raised confusion, and Ruby's hand itched to reach out for Dorothy for comfort, but she knew she couldn't, not yet.

"This is Dorothy." She began shakily, meeting her grandmother's eyes steadily, "She and I, well, um, we are- I mean..." Ruby trailed off, composing herself, "Dorothy is my true love."

It was hard to judge Granny's reaction, as her eyes were hidden behind her spectacles, but she just stood there for a moment, frozen in shock. Whether it was because Ruby had a true love, or because that true love was a girl, possibly even both, there was no way of knowing. It was the most agonizing few seconds of Ruby's life.

"How are you so sure?" Granny asked softly. Her eyes were on the floor, Ruby bet she couldn't bear to meet the eyes of her disgrace of a granddaughter.

"She woke me, from a sleeping curse." Dorothy spoke up; the first time the girl had said anything. Ruby shot her a thankful smile; her Kansas had reminded her that she wasn't alone in this battle. Granny still didn't say anything, and Ruby was starting to get angry. How could the one person she trusted, her only family, hate her? And for something so tiny? It wasn't fair!

"You're not going to disown me because Dorothy's a girl! I love her, Granny, and you'll have to put up with that or-" Granny cut off Ruby's rambling with a glare, not of anger, but of sadness.

"Y-you really think I could hate you because of the gender of your true love?" Granny's voice broke, and she pulled Ruby into her arms, "I love you, Ruby. It's just that after Peter, I don't want you to get hurt" Ruby felt tears of relief fill her eyes and she pulled out of the hug, taking Dorothy's hand as she did so.

"But just because I accept you, doesn't mean I trust you." Granny was glaring at Dorothy now, and Ruby bit back a laugh as she watched her girlfriend squirm in her spot. Granny gave a similar speech to each one of Ruby's exes, and each time it was hilarious, even if a little embarrassing.

"Gran- I mean, uh, Ms. Lucas, I promise, uh, your-" Ruby cut off Dorothy's rambling with a playful elbow to her side.

"She's just trying to intimidate you, Kansas." She laughed, before turning back to Granny, "Stop teasing her, Gran. I'm going to go set her up with a room, can't have you sleeping anywhere but the finest inn in Storybrooke." Ruby giggled, tossing a smile at Granny as she led Dorothy out of the dining area and into the inn. They turned the corner, and Ruby immediately pressed Dorothy up against the wall, drawing a smile from the other girl.

"You couldn't even wait 'til we got to the room?" Dorothy giggled, causing Ruby to grin, slowly closing the gaps between them.

"Nope." And she pressed their lips together.


Yikes I've disappeared for like millions of years... but I'm working on two new chapters now so that should make up for my absence


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