One Shot #26

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Pre story authors note:
This chapter is a OUAT/Lost crossover. If you haven't seen Lost, then I'm warning you that there are some minor spoilers, but you could read it without watching the show. If you've never seen it, it's on Netflix and I HIGHLY recommend it. I also added a collage of the characters for reference (and yes Claire is played by Emilie de Ravin aka our very own Belle ;) ) If you have seen it, this is what would happen if Emma and Mary Maragaret were on flight 815:

Killian was out of his mind with worry. No, he passed "worry" a month ago. The pirate was downright terrified.

"Would you stop pacing?" David snapped, breaking Killian from his stupor.

"Hook, they'll be fine, okay? Only a few more hours and then we'll know if they are alive." David said with a grave tone to his voice.

"But what if they aren't? I can't loose Emma." Killian asked, his voice breaking sligtly with fear.

"Hey, don't pretend that I don't know what you're going through." David said, his voice angry. "Mary Maragaret might be dead too for all we know."


"Now boarding flight 815 to Los Angeles. Flight 815 now boarding." A shrill, feminine voice rang out over the airport intercom. Emma and Mary Maragaret exchanged a glance, shouldering their bags as their flight number was called.

"I'm glad you talked me into that trip, mom." Emma smiled at Mary Maragaret as they began to walk towards the gate, suitcases rolling behind them.

"Emma, it was your bachelorette party, you'd better be glad!" Mary Maragaret grinned teasingly. "And it was exciting to learn new things about my daughter's world." she smiled, reaching out and squeezing Emma's arm lovingly, who smiled in return as they reached the gate. They had just finished their week long stay in Sydeny, Austrailia, Mary Maragaret's idea of course, and were returning home after a layover in California. They each handed their tickets to the stewardess, entering the hallway that was connected to the plane itself and took their seats in the middle. Emma shut her eyes and sighed, leaning her head against the back of the seat. She felt the seat shift next to her and opened her eyes to see a man in a suit take the seat next to her, smiling politely.

"I'm Jack." the man introduced, extending his hand to Emma, who shook it.

"I'm Emma and this is my mo- sister, Mary Maragaret."  Emma introduced, the two exchanging polite hellos.

"What brings you two women to Sydney?" Jack asked as the door to the plane was shut and the 'fasten your seat belts' sign flashed.

"I'm dragging my, uh, sister away from her work for a bachlorette party." Mary Maragaret said, her and Emma exchanging a look. It wasn't exactly a lie.

"Congratulations on your engagement, then." Jack smiled.

"What about you? What were you doing Sydney?" Emma asked.

Jack sighed, and let out a chuckle. "That is a long story."

"It's a long flight." Emma pointed out with a sly smile, which Jack returned before beginning to speak.


Emma was awoken from her nap by a bought of turbulence. She opened her eyes and glanced over at Mary Maragaret, who looked utterly terrified.

"It'll pass." she assured her mother, then turned to Jack. "This is only her second time flying." she explained. He smiled and nodded understandably. He opened his mouth to say something  when, suddenly, a red warning light began to flash, a alarm blaring as oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling.

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