One Shot #29

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(based off of the season five finale behind the scenes pictures)

"Emma!" Killian called as she raced passed him, dashing out of Granny's for a reason only know to her. It gave him the sensation of déjà vu to their kiss in the street outside the diner back amid the madness of the Snow Queen. "C'mon Swan, don't make a man drink alone." He had called out to her. She had refused saying, "I'm not in the mood for a drink...or a man." That seemed like years ago, when, in reality, it had only been a few months.

"I can't talk right now Killian. I have-" He quickly cut her off by grabbing her wrist, preventing her from running.

"I feel like I haven't seen you since we got back from the underworld." Killian whined like a kid, sliding his hand down her wrist until their palms were touching. She quickly intertwined their fingers, giving him a sad smile.

"Between being the Dark One and saving you, the town's been left in the dark. David and I have been running ourselves ragged trying to fix all the little things. I'm sorry, Killian, I truly am, but the town needs it's sheriff." Emma said. Killian could tell the she was truly sincere, but it didn't make him feel any less neglected.

"Can David be sheriff for a little while? This is important, love." Killian begged. He really needed to talk to her, the couple hadn't had a full conversation in days. Emma bit her lip, glancing back down the street in the direction of the station. A dozen or so townspeople milled around the outside, waiting to tell David or Emma whatever crimes they had witnessed in the past two months. Sure, Emma had been here in Storybrooke for a week or so after Killian had died, but she was so grief stricken, it wasn't a good idea for her to be working.

"Twenty minutes?" Emma pleaded, not taking her eyes of the station.

"Perfect." Killian smiled, letting go of her hand and gently turning her cheek so that her attention was back on him.

"What did you need to tell me?" She asked, a soft smile dancing on her lips as he replaced his hand in hers.

"I love you." Killian said suddenly, squeezing her hand as he searched her green eyes. They twinkled with happiness, reflecting the bright light of the noon-day sun.

"I love you, too." It was almost an automatic response for her now, a reflex. The first time was the hardest. She gave away part of herself to him that night, and at the time she was beyond scared. Scared of betrayal and countless other heartbreaking acts. But now she knew that Killian was a part of her (they literally shared a heart) and with every "I love you" their bond only grew.

"Do you remember the first time we met? You chained me to a tree and threatened to have me eaten. Even though I was certain that I was going to die, I couldn't but help admire your pluck and spite. 'If I live,' I had promised myself, 'I need to acquaint myself with her.' Then I saw my chance when Henry went missing. I thought that if I rescued your boy, you might start like me. I didn't even fully realize that I was vying for your heart, I just knew that it was torture to have you hate me. Slowly, very slowly, you accepted the idea of me, and, even slower still, the thought that you might love me. But still, you pushed me away, and I waited, knowing it would take a long time for your heart to fully heal and prepare itself for a new love. And now, to hear you say that you love me is the most beautiful thing to ever reach my ears. I would never again listen to the roar of waves on the open sea if I had to choose between that and the confession of your love. And I never want to go a single day without hearing you say those words, reassuring my heart and soul every time. So, Emma Swan, will you marry me?" Killian reached into his pocket and pulled out a very familiar wedding ring, the bright green emerald gleaming elegantly in the center.

"My parents ring?" Emma asked in shock, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

"When I asked your father for his blessing, he gave me this. Said your grandmother would have wanted you to have it." Tears barred Emma's tjroat, preventing her from saying any of the things crossing her mind, but she didn't need words right now. She gingerly plucked the ring from his grasp, curling her fingers around it, looking up into his beautiful blue eyes. And then he was kissing her, arms around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. But it still wasn't close enough, and Killian must have sensed it to. Without breaking the kiss he gently lifted her off the ground, smiling against her lips and spinning her around before setting her gently back on the ground.

"I'll take that as a yes?"

Yikes I haven't updated in almost two months 😁 sorry about that.... I still love you guys though ❤❤


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