One Shot #22

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"Snow!" Regina's excited voice rang out. Snow perked her head up from her book and smiled excitedly at her step-mother, waiting expectantly.

"You'll never guess what I found." Regina smiled, pulling out a small wooden box from behind her back. She carried it over to wear Snow lay sprawled out on her bed and sat down beside her, handing her the box. Snow sat up and pulled the box into her lap, opening it gingerly. Gasping a little, she pulled out a beautiful diamond necklace. Snow recognized it immediately.

"This was my mother's." Snow whispered, inspecting the neclace's glittering pendant.

"Yes, your grandmother gave it to her on her fifteenth birthday, and she was going to do the same for you. Your father thought the tradition should still live on so he asked me to give it to you. Happy Bithday, Snow." Snow's smile widened as she threw her arms around the queen. Regina was a little stunned at first, but then she wrapped her arms around Snow, hugging her back.

"Thank you, Regina." Snow said, smiling at her. Regina gently took the necklace from Snow and moved the little girl's (who wasn't really a little anymore) hair out of the way so that she could clasp the necklace behind Snow's neck. With another smile, Snow stood and walked to her vanity mirror, examining the necklace resting on her chest. Regina came up behind her, placing her hands on her step-daughter's shoulders.

"You look beautiful, Snow." She said smiling at her reflection in the mirror. "Come, let's get you ready for the party. Your seamstresses have the perfect dress for you!" Regina exclaimed, taking Snow's hand and leading her away from the mirror and to the wardrobe where Regina pulled out Snow's gown. She let out a little gasp at the beauty if it, a light, silk blue with a full skirt and tight top.

"Woah." Was all she said, running her fingers down the length of the soft fabric.

"I know how much you love the color blue so I put in a good word with the seamstesses." Regina smiled, "C'mon let's get you dressed, and, if it's okay, I could even do your hair and makeup. I know, it's usually your mother's job but-" Snow cut off Regina's rambling with a hug.

"No, I'd love it if you'd help me get ready." Snow beamed, "Thanks, Regina." Regina's heart swelled with happiness at Snow's warmth. She never thought that the princess would accept her as a mother, but Snow was doing just that.

"C'mon, let's not be late to your own ball."

"OW OW OW!" Snow howled in pain, and Regina sighed.

"Are you sure you want me to pluck your eyebrows?" she asked for the millionth time and Snow just gave a little nod as she had every time.

"Beauty hurts, princess." Regina said sarcastically, but her voice was still filled with warmth and love for her stepdaughter. She grabbed the last hair in between the tweezers and pulled, earning another yelp of pain from Snow.

"All done." Regina grinned, holding out a glob of fresh aloe. "This will help with the redness." Snow greatfully took some and rubbed it on her sore eyebrows. She did have to admit, she looked a lot better and more mature. Like a fifteen year old should.

"They look amazing!" Snow beamed back at Regina, who blushed a little in return.

"Want to do your makeup now?" Regina asked, opening up the vanity drawer and fishing out some blotting powder. Snow nodded eagerly and Regina set to work, starting with powder, then blush, then eyeshadow and so on and so forth.

"You never want to go too heavy on the lips." Regina points out as she coats Snow's naturally red lips in a sheer gloss. She steps back to admire her handiwork before holding a mirror up for Snow to see too.

"Is that me?" she gasps, taking the mirror and gaping into it. "I look beautiful!" Regina's lips curled into a smile at Snow's positive reaction.

"I'm glad you like it." She chuckled. They girls were interrupted by a knock and Snow's father entered, ready to escort his wife and daughter to the ball.

"Snow! You look absolutely stunning!" he beamed, kissing his daughter in the forehead.

"Thanks, Daddy, Regina did it." Regina felt her cheeks blush as her husband smiled warmly at her, giving her complements and praise. After he was done gushing about how grown up his daughter looked, Snow and Regina each took one of his arms and they walked to the ballroom as a family.


"Snow, what's wrong?" The ball was in full swing and Regina had finished a conversation with a wealthy King (Midas was it?) and had seen Snow sitting alone in a corner.

"Well, its just that, know what? Never mind." The girl replied staring at her hands, "It's embarrassing." Regina sighed and pulled up a chair next to her and sitting down.

"Spill." she commanded, and to her surprise, Snow actually did.

"There's this really cute Prince, abd I want to go talk to him, but I don't know how! What do I say? What do we talk about?" She said in a quick flurry of words.

"Woah, calm down. Which one is he?" Snow pointed to a boy who looked to be Snow's age, chatting with a few people on the other side if the dance floor.

"His name is Prince David, and I've seen him at past balls, but I've never had the nerve to talk to him." Snow signed sadly.

"Well then go! Today's your birthday, this bal is for you! It's your night!" Regina assured her. Snow took a deep breath before standing up.

"You're right, I'm going to talk to him" With that, her stepdaughter disappeared in the crowd and Regina lost track of her, but later that night, she saw her waltzing with the handsome prince and felt a surge of maternal pride swell inside of her.

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