One Shot #3

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Regina paced nervously outside the hospital room, why she was worried, Regina had no idea. But her heart was beating out of her chest and she was dying to blast something with a fireball. How could she have let this happen? 'It wasn't my fault.' she reminded herself. It was all Zelena, she had ruined Regina's life, when she was so close to a happy ending.

"Regina, it'll be okay." Robin's voice pulled her out of her worried thoughts and stopped her pacing.

"How can you be so sure?" she retorted sharply, causing Robin to flinch back, "I'm sorry, I'm just nervous." her voice softened and she sat down beside Robin, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"There's nothing to be worried about. Zelena's baby will be fine." Robin tool her hand and massaged her knuckles with his thumb. How did she manage to get herself here? With Zelena giving birth to her true love's child. It was messed up. Even though she'd done some bad things in the past, did Regina deserve this kind of punishment? Would Robin leave her for his and Zelena's child? Regina couldn't bear the thought of loosing him again, especially since she finally had him back.

"Ms. Mills? Your sister would like to see you." spoke a voice. A doctor had poked his head out of the door and was calling to her. Robin squeezed her hand and Regina went to face her sister.

"Hello, sis." An all too cheerful voice rang out. "You look absolutely awful. I'm sorry, did I cause you distress?" Zelena feigned sympathy.

"Cut the act Zelena, where's the baby?" Regina snapped, her eyes landing on a bundle in Zelena's arms.

"With her mother, where else?" Zelena chuckled, seeing Regina's painful and jealous expression.

"Hand over the baby, Zelena." Regina snapped, causing Zelena to pull the baby closer.

"I'm fairly certain that I was the one that just gave birth, Regina. That makes me the mother."

"And what do you know about being a mother?"

"Oh I'm sure I could learn, you did after all. And I will have help, it can't be that hard."

"What do you mean you'll have help?"

"Oh, did I not tell you? Emerald and I are going back to Oz. I do have a kingdom to run." Regina's breathe caught in her thought. Zelena was taking Robin's child away from him?

"I can't let you do that." Regina growled, stepping forward.

"Must I remind you, that you are not the mother." Zelena giggled, clearly enjoying Regina's discomfort.

"Is everything alright in here Regina?" Robin's voice came from the doorway, worry in his eyes.

"She's taking your daughter back to Oz with her." Regina explained simply to Robin, venom lacing her voice.

"You're what?" Robin turned to Zelena and she smiled wider. Suddenly, Regina remembered something and gave a smug smile of her own.

"Zelena, I hate to remind you that you are still imprisoned, and can't go anywhere, much less take care of a child." Zelena's smile disappeared.

"As mayor, I give Robin full custody of the baby, since you are clearly incapable of raising a child." Regina continued, triumph seeping into her voice. While Zelena was still stunned at loosing the leverage she had over Regina, Robin briskly stepped forward and took his daughter out of Zelena's arms.

"Emerald!" Zelena cried in outrage, grabbing for the baby, but Robin was already back by Regina's side.

"You can't take my daughter away from me!" Zelena screeched, as Regina stalked out the room, pausing in the doorway.

"Oh, but sis, I already have."


"You're not naming her Emerald." Regina shuddered, thinking of the name Zelena had picked out.

"Would Marion be too strange?" Robin asked, meeting her eyes. Yes Regina wanted to reply, but she could see that it would mean a lot to Robin if his daughter was named after his first love. After all, she'd wanted to name Henry after Daniel, but obviously decided against it.

"She's your daughter." Robin sighed and took Regina's hand from across the booth. The couple was at Granny's for dinner since neither was in the mood to cook. The unnamed baby slept peacefully in a carrier beside her father.

"She's our daughter. I want you to raise her with me." Robin replied, meeting her eyes lovingly. Regina was at a loss for words. He wanted her to be this baby's mother? Regina was overjoyed, but instead of saying that, she leaned across the table and pressed her lips to Robin's. He kissed her back passionately, holding her close.

"I would be honored to help you raise Marion." Regina muttered against his lips, pulling away. Robin beamed at her and glanced down at the baby.

"You like the name? It's not weird or anything-" Regina cut him off.

"Robin, it's perfect." Robin's smile grew and he bent down to his tiny baby girl.

"Welcome to the family, Marion,"

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