One Shot #5

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When Emma Jones was 85, cancer got the best of her and she passed away peacefully in her sleep. She was the mother of two beautiful children, Liam, who was named after Killian's brother, and Mary who was named after Emma's mother, Mary Maragret, who died in a car accident when Emma was seven months pregnant with her only daughter. Liam and Mary each had three children of their own, making Emma a grandmother of six and a soon to be great grandmother, Liam's oldest daughter was three months pregnant with their first child. David had past away two years prior, reuniting with Mary Margaret. Henry was married to his college sweetheart, but they didn't want any kids. Regina was still well and very alive, with countless grandchildren. She and Robin had had five children together. She was even a great grandmother. Roland, who she considered her own son, and his wife had adopted twins and one was expecting their second child. When she heard that her closest friend had passed, Regina had locked herself in her room and refused to see anyone but Henry. They would sit and talk for hours, just the two of them. Everyone was devastated at her death, even if she had lived a good long life, but no one was worse off than Killian. Being the immortal pirate that he was, Killian was still thirty something years old and always knew that he would have to watch his loved ones pass on, but it never fully hit him until Emma's funeral. Looking around at Liam and Mary and his grandchildren, he realized he would be at all of their funerals too one day. Could Killian really bear that? Even after being with her for 60 plus years, Emma's death was still extremely hard on Killian.
"She's in a better place, dad." Mary's voice brought Killian out of his dark thoughts. His daughter's big brown eyes gazed up at him, tears sparkling inside them and trickling into the laugh lines that surrounded her aging face. Killian pulled his daughter into a hug and she embraced him back.

"I hate to put a damper on things, love, but I will be in this same spot for your brothers, you, my grandchildren, they will all one day leave me." Hook muttered into Mary's hair. He noticed that her blonde roots were now streaked with gray, Mary was growing old, too, and soon would join Emma in death, it was inevitable.

"You will always have family, dad. Even when I go, and my children go, the Jones' legacy will live on. You will never be alone." Mary said, pulling back out of the hug and sniffling a little. Killian gave her a little smile.

"When did you get so wise, love?" He chuckled, making her smile. His daughter was right, he would always have family, until his time ended and death claimed him, he would always have family. Whether it be great grandchildren or great-great-great-great-great grandchildren, they would still be Killian's family and he could always count on that. Even his his true love wasn't with him any longer, Emma's legacy would always live on.

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