chapter 2: Nick

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Its been 4 months since Addison left, I remember waking up looking for her not finding her anywhere, I got worried and searched the whole hotel, I looked everywhere for her but still couldn't find her.
I eventually called the cops who when investigating the scene they ruled it ou as she ran away.
I didn't believe them at first, I looked everywhere around town and I even went further then that just to find her, but after 3 months I realised that she was gone and that she left me, it made me angry at her, I wouldn't talk to anyone and got drunk pretty much everynight, after a while I started to feel empty so I slept with random girls trying to fill that hole she left but nothing would make it go away.
Robby and my mum still thing she was kidnaped and try and convince me to keep searching for her but its pointless.

I wake up next to a random chick with brown hair, I get dressed throwing her close at her, she wakes up shocked before landing her eyes on me with a smile.

"Get out" I say bluntly.

She grumbles but does what shes told, I feel the usual numness as I walk down stairs sitting at the table my mum looks at me concerned.

"Who was that" she asks.

I shrug my shoulders not caring.

"What would happen if Add..." she pauses stopping from saying her name " came back and found out you cheated on her".

"Well she probably won't be back" I say "shes the one who left".

"Why would she leave you Nick, she was in love with you" my mum yells.

I shrug again getting up.

"I'll be upstairsbif you need me" I say.

I head back to my bed, flopping straight into it, I feel Angel jump up snuggling into my arms whimpering, I sigh bringing her close.

"I know, I miss her to" I sigh.

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