chapter 14: Addison

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Two week later I walk into the school feeling nervous, its been awhile since I've been here and I hope it will be easy getting back into my usual sceduale.
I walk down the hall, Nick has his arm draped around my shoulder holding me protectively, I feel like every girl in the room is glaring at me, everywhere I look all eyes are on me there firy gazes burning into me.

"Why are they glaring at me" I whisper to Nick.

"I don't know" he says nervously as he avoids my gaze.

Hes hiding something I know it but what could it be. We keep going down the hall, when we reach my old locker Nick finally looks at me.

"I have to go see a teacher, Robby is waiting for you at our first class" he says "I'll be quick, I love you".

He gives me a quick kiss before running of, I wait till he turns a corner before heading to class, on my way there I see Justin I walk up to him smiling.

"Hey Addison" he say.

"Hey" I respond.

"How are you doing" he asks.

"Ok I just wish all the girls would stop glaring at me" I say honestly.

"Yeah" he says.

"Do you know why" I ask.

"No" he says quickly, he gets really nervous and avoids my gaze "got to go".

He runs of quickly, he knows something, I sigh heading to class.

It goes quick and soon I'm heading to my second, the halls are empty and I'm late but I don't really mind, I walk slowly trying to work things out in my mind when someone shoves me into the lockers, I wince in pain and look up to see who did it.
A short girl with brown hair stands infront of me, shes wearing high stelletos with the tiniest skirt in the world, a pink crop top goes with it and her face is covered in makeup, she stares at me pissed of like steam is about to pour out of her ears.

"You ruind everything" she hissed.

"What, who are you" I whisper.

"You had to come back and ruin my life" she yells.

"I don't understand" I say confused.

"Nick, he loved me and you stoll him from me" she explains.

"But me and Nick are together" I say.

"Oh but what about what we did while you were gone" she sneers.

"What do you mean" I ask.

"You didn't know, me and Nick had alot of fun when you were gone" she laughs.

What is she talking about, Nick loves me he wouldn't do that, what does she mean they had alot of fun.

"Wasn't just with me though, pretty much the whole school had the same fun" she chuckles "so you didn'mean that much to him".

I'm shocked, is she lieing, is this what he did when I was missing sleep with a bunch of girls, did he ever miss me, did he ever love me.

"Names Hannah by the way" she says as she walks away.

I'm stuck standing there trying to comprehend this new information, the bell goes eventully and I start walking, I need answers but I can't face Nick till I know if its true or not.
I see Robby near his locker and I quickly run up to him, he smiles when he sees me and waves me over.

"Hey Ad" he greets.

"What did Nick do while I was gone" I ask quickly.

Robby looks at me shocked and quickly starts to choke on his own air, he coughs franticlly trying to swallow more air, when he gets a hold of his breathing he stairs down at me nervously.

"What has Nick told you" Robby asks with a shakey tone.

"Everything" I lie.

"Really he told you about all the girls he slept with" he asks shocked.

Thats when my heart broke, at hearing those words it falls into a million pieces and then are stomped on to blow away with the wind.
Tears start to fall down my cheeks and thats when Robby relises I was lieing to him.

"Shit you didn't know that" he says.

"He cheated on me" I sob.

Robby pulls me into his arms holding me as I cry, Nick never loved me, he was glad that I was gone, how could I have been so stupied to believe he actually loved me.
No one loves me.
I'm nothing.

I pull away from Robby and turn away and start walking.

"Wait Ad were are you going" Robby asked worried.

"I need to be alone" I sob "if you see Nick tell him we need to talk and I've gone back to his house".

Robby nods letting me leave so I can be alone with feeling of emptyness were my heart used to be but now I don't think it will ever return.

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