chapter 24: Addison

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I knock on the door and wait patiently for someone to answer, my morning sickness has kicked in and I'm feeling like shit but I try and ignore it.
The door swings open and Fiona answers, shes in a robe holding a cupe of coffee in her hands, her eyes widen when she sees me standing there.

"Addison" she says happily.

"Hey" I greet softly.

"Oh honey your finally back, Nick told me you were staying at Robby's for a little while and I got worried" she says guiding me inside.

"I'm fine I just needed to clear my head" I lye.

"Oh ok, did you want to talk to Nick" she asks " hes still asleep but I can wake him up".

"No its ok I can wait" I say taking a seat at the table.

She poors me a cupe of coffee and hands it I take a sipe letting it warm me up.

"Do you want anything to eat" she asks.

My stomach turns at just the thought of food and I quick shake my head and here smile falls.

"Are you ok you look a little pale" she asks worried.

"Yeah I'm fine" I try to convince her.

"Are you sure you could be coming down with something" she says placing her hand on my head.

"No I'm not coming down with anything something else" I say.

"What is it" she asks.

I sigh know shes going to find out one way or another.

"I'm pregnant" I say.

"Oh my god" she says "with Nick".

I nod and look up at her nervously expecting her to be angry or disapointed but a massive smile is on her face shocking me.

"I'm going to be a grandma" she cheers.

"Aren't you angry" I ask.

"Well a little but I'm just happy" she laughs "does Nick know".

I nod and her smile grows.
At that moment Nick enters the kitchen in nothing but his boxers, he doesn't realise that I'm here and walks straight past me to the fridge, he pulls out a carton of milk and turns around thats when his eyes connect to mine and he freezes, he eaits a minute trying to figure out whats going on.

"Morning honey" Fiona says happily "Addison just told me the good news".

"She did" he asks.

"Yep" she chuckles.

He looks at me curiously asking for more details.

"I told her I'm pregnant" I say and it clicks in his head "we need to talk".

"Ok" he says putting the milk back.

He leads me up stares to his room were he closes the door behind him and we both sit on his bed.

"I had to tell her she was asking questions" is the first thing I say.

"I don't really mined" he says.

"Really I ask shocked.

"Yeah" he shrugs "Addison when you left last night I regrettedit, I wish you stayed because I want to be with you and this baby, I didn't change my mined, I love you and I always will and I'm going to love our baby".

"Really" is all I can say.

"Yeah really" he says smiling.

"I love you to" I say leaping into his arms.

He chuckles holding me close as if I'm going to vanish into fin air.

"I missed you so much Addy" I sighs.

"Me to" I say truthfully.

"Does thisean you forgive me" he asks.

"Not completely" I say and his face falls "but I love you Nick and I can't ignore that, I want to move past this".

"Thank you" he says kissing me gently.

I sigh into his kiss missing this so much in the past couple of days, when he pulls away were both panting with massive smiles on our faces, he rests his forehead onto mine so our noses are touching.

"I love you Addy and everything is going to work out as long as you know that" he whispers before kissing me again.

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