chapter 3: Addison

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"You worthless bitch" he yells at me.

He throws me into the cell locking the door, hes pissed of today he tortured me worse then he would usually and the way he walks around the room steam is practicly coming out of his ears.

"I should of killed yyou years ago"he screams through the bars.

He walks over to the table flipping it over causing all its countents to spill onto the floor, one of the items catches my eye, a small paper clip, its right outside the cell that I can easily reach it, if I can get it on time I may be able to escape.
My father continues to rant about how terrible I am but eventually he leaves closing the door behind him.
I quickly grab the paper clip, pulling it into a thin line, I stick it in the lock jiggling it around until I hear the small click signiling that its unlocked, I slip outside closing the door and locking it back up, I go to the stairs and as quietly as I can head up, I put my ear against the door listening for any sound but hear nothing so I open the door and head out, I see the front door instantly and make my way there opening it so I can slip out.
As soon as I'm outside the cold breeze hits me, I'm only in my underwear and its freezing out here, its night so everything is dark but I can tell I'm near other houses.
I start running as fast as a weak injured person can trying to get as far away as possible from that house, I start to get out of breath quickly but I try to keep going.
Suddenly I trip over a hard rock and I trip and fall face firts onto the concrete road, I can tell my face and knees will be scraped up, I try to get up but all my energy is gone and I feel numb, I feel the tears run down my cheeks as I think of them catching me again, thats when I hear the footsteps heading towards me.

"Are you ok" a very familiar voice says.

I feel them touch my shoulder but I quickly jump away, trying to find away to get up and run.

"Its ok I'm not going to hurt you" the person says.

I relax a bit, the person grabs hold of my shoulders holding me up, they gasp when seeing me.

"Addison" he crys.

I look at the person and I start to cry when seeing Robby's shocked face.

"Rob" I say weakly.

"Oh my god Ad what happend to you, everyone has been looking for you, what the hell happened to your hair" he says franticlly pulling me into a huge "I'm taking you back to my place and I will call a ambulance".

He quickly picks me up  and start running I rest into his warm chest, as soon as where inside his house  he puts me on the lounge and wraps me in a blanket he runs into the kitchen calling the hospital, he walks back in a minute later.

"There on there way" he says "I'm going to try and call Nick".

Hes back on the phone but you can tell hes sstarting to get worried when it goes to voicemail, after his 20th time hes pacing the floor.

"Answer your fucking phone Nick" he yells.

"Water" I amost whisper.

"Oh shit yeah you must be thirsty" he says running into the kitchen coming back with my glass of water, I chug it down fast letting it quench my thirst.

"Are you ok" Robby asks.

"Yes" I respond.

"What happened to you" he asks.

I start thinking about what happened to me, and know one can know or find out or he will get me again.

"No" I say "no, no, no".

Robby grabs my shoulders stopping me from my chant "its ok you don't have to tell me".

I nod closing my eyes listening to the sound of the sirens, and I finally know I'm free but the scary part is for how long.

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