chapter 6: Nick

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I run up to the reception desk at the hospital out of breath, I wait a bit to catch my breath before talking to the lady behind the desk.

"Hi, I'm looking for Robert Jones" I say using his full name.

"Hold on a minute" she says turning to the computer.

She types soomething in searching through different systems before turning back to face me.

"I'm sorry but we don't have any paitents by that name" she says.

"Thats ok, have  a nice day" I say.

I walk away from the reception desk, I look around the lobby trying to see if Robby's waiting for me anywhere but don't see him, I pull out my phone diciding just to call him to find out were he is.
He picks up straight away.

"Hey Robby" I say "I'm here".

"Great were are you" he asks.

"I'm in the lobby, I ask the reception desk for you but they couldn't find you" I say.

"Thats because I'm not a patient" he tells me.

"Then why am I here" I ask.

"I'm coming to get you now" he says "I'll explain then".

He hangs up and I stand here waiting or him, eventually I see him running up to me, he looks like shit, his hair is messy and stickes out in odd places, his eyes have bags under them showing his lack of sleep and his usual smile is replaced with one of worry, hes wearing his pj and just sneakers that haven't been tied up.

"You don't know how many times I called you last night" he says.

"Sorry" I say "now why am I here".

"I found her" he says.

I freeze, is he talking about who I think hes talking about, it can't be her she left so why would she be here.

"Who" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Addison" he tells me.

My heart explodes, and is telling me to get to her as fast as I can so I can feel her in my arms again.

"Were, when, is she ok" the wuestions erupt out of me.

"I found her out of my house last night laying on the road, I called for an ambulance straight away" he explains "and she has defenatly seen better days".

"I need to see her" I say going to find her before Robby stops me.

"Hold on buddy, theres something you should know" he says "what ever happened to her those 4 months it took its tole on her, shes not the same anymore, she more jumpy and shes acting wird".

"How bad is it" I ask.

"Shes changed alot, shes definatly not the same girl she was 4 months ago, not yet anyway" he says.

"Take me to her" I say instantly.

Robby and me run through the halls till we reach her room, it would be so easy just to walk in there to her but the guilt of my shameful month has rained down on me and I knowvit would crush her more is she new I've been cheating on her, I try to push it away as I reach for the handle pulling the door open revealing and empty room.

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