chapter 32: Nick

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Me and Addison walk in the door tired from a long day at school, Addison is practically falling asleep on my shoulder when we head inside.

"Baby, go take a nap" I say kissing her head.

"I'm not tired" she yawns.

"Yes you are" I chuckle.

"Fine" she grumbles.

She leaves my shoulder and makes her way up stairs to our room, I make my way into the kitchen were my mum is making dinner for tonight, she doesn't hear me walk in as she focuses the food.

"Hey mum" I say taking a seat.

"Oh hi darling, I didn't hear you come in" she says.

"Yeah just walked in" I respond and she just nods.

"Weres Addison" she asked.

"She upstairs having a nap" I tell her.

"Good she needs her rest" she tells me "oh i'm going out to night with David so it will just be you and Addison".

"Yeah thats fine" I say "when are you leaving".

"Well I've cooked you two dinner so I'll just get ready so maybe in half-n-hour" she tells me.

"Go get ready then" I tell her.

"Ok ok I'm going" she laughs as she walks out of the room.

I head over to the counter and grab an apple and a banana before heading upstairs to my room.
Addison is sleeping soundly on the bed and I smile at her peaceful face, I sit down next to her on the bed and gently rub her swollen belly, she tosses abit and her eyes flutter open softly, she gives a large smile before streching out her arms.

"Hey" she says softly.

"Hey, you hungry" I ask.

"A little" she nods.

"Which would you like apple or banana" I ask.

"Banana" she says reaching out her arm.

I hand her the banana and she quickly peels and eats it .

"Its just you and me tonight" I tell her "my mums goingon another date".

"Thats good she seems happy" she says sitting up.

"Yeah she does" I say "how are you feeling" I ask.

"Just fine" she says rubbing her belly.

"Thats good" I say "were going to have to book our first ultrasound soon".

"Yeah we will" she says "how about next week" she says.

"That sounds good" I say "we will finally get to see our baby girl".

"Yes we will but we still wont find out for a couple more months" she tells me.

"Yeah thats sucks" I tell her kissing her belly "how about you have another nap, you need your rest".

"Only if you stay with me" she says.

"Fine" I say.

I curl up with her on the bed my hands resting on her hands that are wraped around her belly as we fall asleep.

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