chapter 7: Addison

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I sit on the shower floor of the shower as water runs over me, Dr Andrews finally convinced me to take a warm shower to calm me down, I agreed locking the door behind me.
I have scrubbed myself clean till theres no trace of dirt or blood from the past 4 months, my hair is now clean even though I can't wash away the blond, I sit there thinking about Nick, about what he will do when he sees me, what I will say to him, not much probably though because of me going a bit crazy from 4 months of lonelyness, I'm defenatly not ready to face him, for all the questions hes going to ask that I can't answer for my own safety, it scares me that I can't talk to him anymore about what happened, I don't even know if he would care.
I finally get up turning the water off, I step out into the steamy bathroom looking at my relection in the mirror but not recognising the girl looking back, this girl has sandy blond hair with a bruied and battered face, her eyes look sad and tired and massive bags are underneath them, she looks way to skiny that you can see her ribs poking out of her sides, her body is covered in bruises and scars, this girl looks broken beyond repair, and I know that its true.
I look away as tears spill from my eyes and down at my hospital gown that is laying on the wet floor, I sigh wraping a towl around me instead, I'm about to walk outside when I hear his voice.

"How much longer will she be" he asks.

I press my ear against the door letting my hand drop from the handle so that I can listen.

"I don't know Nick" I here Robby sigh "give her time".

"But I want to see her" he grumbles.

I slide down to the floor leaning against it still.

"Be patient" Robby says.

"I can't, I need to know what happened" Nick yells.

I feel tears run down my cheek, he can't know, he will never find out what happened, I will never tell.
I sit there with silent tears for a little while trying to calm myself down, I almost have a heart attack when I hear the knock at the door.

"Ad its Robby" Robby says "are you ok in there".

I unlock the door needing to talk to someone, I stay behind the door bjt reach my hand out softly tugging at his shirt, he walks in and I quickly close the door locking it up again.
Robby sees my tears and brings me into a hug.

"Whats wrong Ad" he asks.

"Not ready" I say "not ready".

"Sure you are" he says rubbing my back.

"No" I cry.

"It will be ok Ad, hes ready to see you" he explains "he wants to be here for you Ad, to comfort you".

I nod into his chest wipeing away my tears.

"Are you ok now" he asks and I nod again "now weres your clothes".

I point to my wet hospital gown and he just laughs.

"I guess thats going to have to do for now" he looks at the towl I'm wearing.

He wraps his arm around me guiding me to the door, hes about to unlock it before he turns back to me.

"You ready" he asks.

"No" I whisper.

With that he opens the door to reveal a very worried Nick, he looks into my eyes and I look he hold back tears as we just stare at each other waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Addison" he finally says.

I nod as tears run down my cheeks, he quickly runs towards me pulling me into the tightest hug he can not letting me go, I cry into his chest as I feel his tears run down my head, we stay like this for awhile not wanting to let each other go.

"I missed you so much" he cries.

"Me to" I sob.

He pulls me back to examin me further but still not letting go of me.

"Oh Addison" he says "what happened to your hair, its blond".

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