chapter 5: Addison

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I lay in my hospital bed wraped in a little ball, Robby sits in the chair next to my bed watching me carefully.
When the ambulance arrived they tryed to tell Robby that only family were aloud to ride in the ambulance but I refused to let go of his hand holding him with a strong grip, eventually they let him and he sat next to me holding my hand, when we finally arrived they did all kinds of testing and stitching me up a bandaging my wounds, they finally stopped and I haven't moved from this spot.
Robby has been trying to get ahold of Nick all night but his phone has been going straight to voice mail, I'm kind of glad, I do miss Nick but hes probably moved on now and doesn't even think about me.

"Answer your phone" Robby yells into his phone.

I turn to face him and hes glaring at his phone, he looks at me and his face softens.

"Its ok Ad, he will answer.

I nod my head wishing for more time, I look at the clock and its almost tweleve, I still have know Idea how long its been.

"Rob" I whisper getting his attention "how long".

"How long have you been gone" he asks and I nod "pretty muck 4 months".

Thats how long, I've missed so much and its all because of him.

"It will be ok Ad" he says rubbing my shoulder.

I look down at my hands, they still look dirty, I haven't had a shower yet and I probably smell really bad, I've been changed out of my grubby underwear and have been put into a hospital gown with flaps at the back and if I stand up people would probably see my butt.

"I'm going to try Nick again" he sits back in his chair calling his number.

A hopeful look apears on Robby's face as the phone rings instead of going straight to voicemail, after a bit Nick answers the phone.

"What the fuck man" Robby yells into the phone "I've been calling you all night".

Nick says something but all I here is a mumble.

"Whatever, you need to get down to the hospital now" Robby says.

"What, why" I here Nick ask.

Just then Dr Andrews walks in holding a clipboard as he studies it.

"Shit, I have to go" he says "just get down here fast".

Robby hangs up and sits back down grabing my hand with a small smile.

"Hes on his way now" he tells me and I knod.

Dr Andrews looks up and smiles at me as he walks up to the other side of my bed.

"Addison how are you feeling" he asks.

"Fine" I say softly.

"Good" he says "Addison later today some police officers are going to come and ask you some questions, is that ok".

I nod.

Robby's phone starts to ring at he quickly answers heading into the bathroom, Dr Andrew checks my bruises and cuts making sure there properly bandaged and cleaned.
Robby finally comes out and smiles at me.

"I have to go for a minute and find Nick but I will be right back" he says.

I shake my head franticlly not wanting him to leave me alone, he grabs my shoulders calming me down slightly.

"I promise I will be right back" he says.

He leaves the room and I'm left laying her feeling alone once again.

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