chapter 19: Addison

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I'm pacing Robby's room, I'm starting to freak out, I can't be pregnant I just can't me and Nick always used protection.

"Ad calm down" Robby trys to calm me down.

"I can't calm down" I snap.

"Ok fine" he says "but are you sure your pregnant".

"No, but what if I am" I say finally looking at Robby.

"Theres only one way to find out" he tells me.

Hes right theres only one way, we have to go get some pregnancy and fast.

"Lets go" I grab Robby's arm pulling him out the door.

I get into Robby's car and he speeds offits a quick drive and we park out front of a small mini mart, it quint and made to look homie, I quickly jump out of the car and Robby follows me inside, the place looks bigger inside then it does outside and I have no idea were the pregnancy tests are.

"Do you know were to go" I ask.

"Nope" he says bluntly "how about we split up".

"Good idea" I say "I'll take this side" I say walking away.

I head down isle after isle, everything is jumbled up and out of order making it impossible to find anything, the last isle I go down I finally see them I start heading towards them when something stops me in my path.
Nick comes around the corner his head slumped down looking at a small piece of paper, he looks up and his eyes widen when he sees me standing there.

"Addison" he says.

I have no Idea what to say, I'm stunned, I can't see him right know I'm not ready yet. I say the first thing that comes to mined.

"Hey" I say.

"What are you doing here" he asks.

"Um just shopping" I say nervously.

"How are you feeling I thought you were sick" he says.

"Oh I'm fine just some weird bug" I lie.

"Oh" is all he says.

We stand there silently not knowing what to say, I just want to run and hide.

"Ad have you found the pr....." Robby rounds the corner and sees Nick and quickly thinks of something else "tampons".

I mentally slap my hand against my face at how much of an idiot he is.

"No" I say.

"Hey Nick" Robby greets.

"Hey" he says back.

"Come on Ad we have to keep looking" he says pulling me away.

"Addison we need to talk about this" Nick says.

"Not know Nick, I need more time" I say turning away.

"I understand" he says saddly.

We walk away quickly and I glare at Robby.

"Sorry it was the only thing that came to mind" he shrugs.

"Whatever" I say.

"Did you find them" he asks.

"Yeah I did" I say "they were down that isle".

We wait for Nick to leave before we grab a couple boxes and head out, we get back as soon as we can not wanting to waste a minute.

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