chapter 30: Addison

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Its been about 12 weeks since our dinner with Dr Andrews and thing have been going pretty well, I've finally started to catch up on all my classes with the help of Rob and Nick I will definitely be graduating with the rest of my year, the pregnancie is good I'm still getting morning sickness but luckily its starting to die down, Nicks been trying to keep me of my feet and as relaxed as possible but most of the time I just ignore him.

I hop out of the shower water dripping all over the tiled floor leaving a trail as I walk over to the sink, I look at my reflection, my skin is now bright and a lively colour even though my scars still poke through, my hair is finally dying down to its original brown and my eyes are know bright and full of life, the girl who looks back at me is who I always wanted to be and finally got, thanks to Nick.
I look down at my belly rubbing it softly, that's when I notice in the mirror the start of a baby bump.

"No way" I say under my breath.

The bump is small and you can just notice it but it is there.
A bright smile forms on my face and I quickly wrap a towl aroubnd my naked body and run into mine and Nicks room thankful that Fiona is at work.
I crash through the door scaring Nick half to death, he looks around shocked and quickly jumps up and grabs onto me worried.

"Whats wrong, what happened" he askd frantically.

I giggle and when he sees me smiling up at him he relaxes slightly but still not letting go of my shoulders.

"What is it" he repeats more calmly.

"This" I say dropping the towl to the floor.

At first he looks at me confused but then he notices how I'm holding my stomach and he sees the slight bump their.

"Oh my god" he says kneeling down.

He moves both his hands to my belly and gently rubs my stomach feeling the slight raise.

"This is amazing" he chuckles.

He rests his forehead against my belly sending vibrations up my body.

"Hello little baby" he says softy.

"The baby can't here you" I giggle running my fingers through his hair.

"Yes it can" he says looking up at me "and its going to be a little girl".

"You don't know that" I say "it could be a boy".

"No, its going to be a little girl and shes going to be just as beautiful as her mummy" he says kissing my belly.

I feel my cheeks redden as I try and pull Nick back to his feet, he comply's and stands up wraping his arms around my waist bring my as close as he can.

"I love you Addy" he says kissing me softly.

"I love you to Nick" I say deepening the kiss.

He pulls me up and rests his hands on my bare ass so he can kiss me properly, I tangle my hands in his hair softly tugging causing him to moan loudly.
He gently places me on the bed and rolls us over so that I'm on top of him, I roll my hips against him as we continue to kiss but he quickly pulls away a grin on his face and he pants softly.

"Maybe you should put some cloths on" he chuckles.

"Why" I pout.

"So that your not so tempting" he says kissing my neck softly.

I giggle and keep rolling my hips and he groans loudly at the friction of our bodies.

"Are you sure about that" I say nibbling at his ear.

He chuckles and shacks his head softly at me, "Your a tease".

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