chapter 25: Addison

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I lay down on mine and Nicks bed gentle rubbing my very swollen belly, I softly giggle when the baby kicks a couple of time, I hear the door open and Nick walks in with a bright smile.

"The babies kicking" I giggle.

He rushes forward placing both hands on my stomach as he feels our baby kick, he laughs along with me his smile never leaving his face.

"This is amazing" he says.

"I know" is all I can say.

"Addy, I got a suprise for you" he tells me.

"What is it" I ask getting excited.

"You'll just have to find out" he says kissing the top of my head "wait here".

I nod as he leaves, I wait for him to get back eventually he does but hes not alone, a wicked smirk is plastered on his face as he lets his guest walk in.
I try to move away to get as far as away from him as possible but it doesn't work because I hit the wall behind me with a grunt and realise I'm traped.

"Hello daughter" my father says wickedly "when Nick called and told me you were pregnant I had to come to congratulate you".

"No you stay away" I shout at him.

"Oh why would I do that, I am that babies grandfather and Nick says Its fine" he chuckles.

Nick laughs as he steps closer to my father as he stares at me amused at my fear.

"Nick help" I say.

"Why should I do that" he asks with a chuckle.

"Because I love you" I say.

"Well its to bad I never loved you  our that baby" he laughs right in my face.

I feel the tears run down my cheeks as his words hit me.

"Addison, I want you to know something" my father says leaning into my face "were ever you go or hide I will find you, you think you ate safe well think again you are never safe, I will get you one day and I will kill you and that baby of yours so you better watch your back".

My father laughs along with Nick as the watch the fear all over my face, he reaches forward and graps my stomach squeezing down hard, pain rushes through my stomach and I start to worry about my baby, I let out a loud scream before blacking out.


I wake up screaming with two hands griping each shoulder, I jump away and land on the floor scooting away, I look down holding my now normal stomach protectivly as I scan the room, I see Nick sitting on the bed looking at me worried, I feel myself tremble as I try to catch my breath, Nick starts towards me but I shuffle away.

"Its ok Addy it was just a dream" he says softly.

I relax a little and Nick comes and cuddles me while I sob into his chest, a little while later I finally calm down and calm my tears.

"Are you ok baby" Nick asks.

I shake my head against his chest, No.

"Tell me about your dream" he says rubbing my back.

"It was about my father" I say quietly "you and him got to gether and you turned against me and he threatened our baby".

Nick tenses a bit but it quickly disapears "hes gone baby, we haven't seen him in months".

"But hes grabed me more then once, he could do it again" I say.

"Wait, more then once hes only done it once" he clarifys.

I shake my head "no".

"Wait when was the other time" he asks looking down at me.

I don't say anything and he lets out a gasp as he realises.

"Hes the one who grabed you on prom night" he says.

New tears fall from my eyes as I nod.

"Why didn't you tell me" he asks.

"Because I didn't want to bring you into it" I sob.

"Tell me what happened" he says.

"No" In say softly.

"Please, I need to know" he pleads.

I sigh looking into his beautiful eyes "ok".

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