chapter 22: Nick

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I stand  out front of Robby's house holding a large bundle of red roses, I'm nervous about tonight, I've planned everything perfectly but still I fear that she will hate it and never forgive me.
I knock on the door and wait, I'm early by a couple of minutes and I hope she won't mind, Robby answers the door he smiles letting me.

"She should be down soon" I say.

"Ok" I say nervously.

We wait for her till I hear the light tap of heels on the floor, Addison walks in wearing a white strapless dress it reaches just above her knees with small white heels, her blond hair is curled and falls down her shoulders, all her scares are in veiw, I remember when her body was bruised and thin but now she looks healthy with tanned skin her once cut wrists that were pink with fresh scares now are just scares and I realise just how much shes been through and how shes survived it all, realising just how strong she is.
I brake away from my thoughts and give her a nervous smile.

"You look gorgous" I tell her.

"Thanks, you look good as well" she tells me shyly.

I'm just wearing a white dress shirt with dark jeans but it looks good, I smile handing her the flowers.

"These are for you" I smile.

"There gorgous, thank you" she says giving them a sniff.

"We should probably get going" I say pointing at the door.

She places them on the table and we head out, the drive is quiet and tenson fills the air, but luckly its a short drive to our destination, I open the door for her and help her out of the car.

"Were are we" she asks looking around.

"You'll see" I say leading the way through a large garden "I got this done up just for you".

We turn the corner to our destination, a table with two chairs sits on the edge of a large lake, floating candles are placed in the lace along with fairy lights hung up in all the trees, rose petals are spread across the grass and go around the table which is set up with the best china.
Addison gasps when she sees it and looks around in amazment.

"This is amazing" she gasps.

They take a seat at the table and I watch Addison as she tries to take in every single detail about the setup.

"What do you think" I ask a little nervous.

"Its wonderful" she says smiling widely.

Thats when a man wearing a tux walk up holding to plates he places each infront of us with a kind smile.

"For the first course we chicken ressoto with spinich and fetta" he says lifting the lid.

"Thanks" I say as he walks away.

"This looks delicous" she says grabing her spoon.

We chat during our dinner about odd and random things both of us avoiding the topic of our relationship but I'm fine for now, our second course is soon brought out seasoned staek with different vegatables, and before we know it desert is out cheesecake with salted caramal sause drizzed on top.

This is amazing" Addison giggles as she finishes her food.

"I know" I say eating the last bite.

Our plates are taken away and we are left alone to finish our evening.

"Addy I won't you to know that I really did regret what I did and that I'm truly sorry, I hope tonight helped you realise that I won't only you, even if you don't forgive me that we can at least still be friends or be on the road to fix things" I say truthly.

Addison looks down at her hands as tears run down her cheeks and I  start to worry that I said something wrong.

"Whats wrong" I ask franticly.

"Nick I really need to tell you something" she says sadly "and I don't know if you'll feel the same way".

"What is it" I ask.

"Nick I'm pregnant" she blurts out.

"What" I don't know if I heard her right.

"I'm pregnant" she says again.

Thats when it kicks in and I don't know what to say, how did this happen, we always used protection.

"I know this is hard" she says more tears falling.

"I think I just need some time to process this" I say.

She nods as she gets up and leaves.
I'm going to be a dad, I'm going to have a kid with Addison, the more I think about it the more I start to think how wonderful this is and how me and Addy can be a family.
I smile to myself wishing for Addison to come back.

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