chapter 16: Addison

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I sit on the swing slowly moving forward and back, I don't know how long I've been here for but it feels like ages.
The sun is starting to set now and my tears have finally run out and now I just feel empty.

"Ad" I hear a familiar voice say behind me.

I turn slowly and see Rooby standing there, he looks at me sadly and I know I look awful.

"Hey Rob" I say softly.

"Nick called me saying you left and he couldn't find you, so I came looking for you" he explains "how are you".

"I'll be ok" I say grimly "it just hurts".

Robby walks up to me and wraps me in his arm while fresh tear run from my eyes.

"It'll get better Ad trust me" he comforts me "come on you can stay with me".

Robby says helping me up and we walk back to his place, we walk quietly both of us not wanting to break the silence.
Its a quick walk and Robby gives me a quick tour of his house, he shows me the spear bedroom were I can stay, its a small room with a double bed and wadrobe only and a small bathroom conected to it.

"If you need anything my room is just across the hall" he tell me before going to bed.

I lay down in the bed and curl up in a small ball under the blankets, lonelness takes over me, I know this will be a long night.

(The next morning)

I wake up in a pool of my own sweat once again, panting trying to catch my breath, this is what it was like all night waking up from nightmare after nightmare.
I finally calm down and head for the bathroom, I look in the mirror I have massive bags under my eyes and there red and puffy, my hair is tangled and looks like a nest, I feel numb all over and just feel empty.
I sigh knowing this will be a bad day.
Thats when I start to feel nauesous, I jump to the toilet and everything that was in my stomach.
A knock comes from the door and it creaks open, Robby looks at me worried.

"Are you ok" he asks.

I nod wiping my mouth.

"I was going to come in to see if you were ready for school but I think you should stay here" he says.

"Yeah I don't feel great" I says.

"Ok, I'll be back after school get some rest" he tells me and I nod.

He leaves and I stay there on the floor waiting for this feeling to go away, after awhile the feeling goes away and I'm feeling back to normal, or as normal as I can.
I lay back in bed thinking about how my life turned out like this.

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