chapter 29: Addison

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"Do I have to wear this" Nick asks as he plays with the collar.

"Yes you do" I say from were I'm sitting.

He lets out an annoyed grunt before turning to me placing a smile on his lips.

"You look gorgous" he tells me giving me a spin.

I roll my eyes at him looking down at the baby pink dress I'm wearing with loss curls and white flats.

"Sure I do" I laugh "its probably the pregnancie glow".

"No you look gorgous you always do" he says bringing me closer to him.

He kisses my neck sending shivers down my back as he chuvkles at my reaction.
The door bell breaks us apart as he sighs and pulls me downstairs to meet our guest, Fiona smiles brightly when opening the door to let Dr Andrews in.

"Hello everyone" he greets as he enters holding a bottle of wine.

"Hi Dr Andrews" I say leaning ito Nick.

"Oh please Addison call me David" he says.

"Ok David" I say shyly.

We all head to the dinning room where everyone but Fiona takes a seat.

"I'll just get dinner for us, it should be ready" she says before leaving.

David opens the wine and poors him and Fiona a glass before turning to us.

"Would you like some" he asks Nick.

Nick looks shocked but agrees and watches David poor him a glass.

"What about you Addison" he asks.

"Oh no thanks" I say.

"Are you sure, it pretty good" he responds.

"No I can't have any" I say quietly.

"Why, are you on medication or something " he asks.

I look away akwardly not kn I wing what to say, thank god Nick answers for me.

"Shes pregnant" he explains.

"Oh I see" he says surprised "congratulations".

Thank god Fiona walks in with dinner to change topics, we have small talk while we eat, mostly about Fionas and Davids relationship.
I don't eat much of dinner I feel a little unwell and would rather not vomit during dinner especially with a doctor here.
We have dessert and talk some more and I notice how David looks at Fiona with so much love, its the same way Nick looks at me and I hope the work out.

"Thank you for having me this has been a lovely evening" David says as he kissed Fiona bye.

"It was my pleasure" Fiona laughs "we have to do it again sometime".

"Definitely" he says kissing her goodbye again "I'll see you later".

With that he leaves, Fiona starts to giggle as soon as she closes the door and quick hugs a shocked Nick.

"What the hell" he yells.

"Thank you " she says.

"What for" Nick asks shocked

"For doing this for me and being so nice" she says a vibrant smile on her face.

"What do you mean, I'm always nice" he chuckles.

"yeah sure" she rolls her eyes at him.

I laugh along with them as I watch as they throw witty remarks at each other but still continue to be hugging, and I'm so happy to be part of this family.

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