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After signing the bulletin board, we were allowed to take a look at all the progress the movement had made. Patricia introduced us to most of the staff, and we were given a particular outfit to wear whenever we wanted to help out. "Maybe you could help us out by fundraising!" Patricia explained. Me and Linda looked at eachother humorously. "Right.." I replied. Suddenly, someone poked me from behind. I turned around quickly and saw a slightly chubby kid, with dimples, brown, shabby hair, and blue eyes. "Hi there! You must be the new members!" he hesitated. "Yea, we are. Nice to meet you." I replied, softly. "Well, my name is Brad! I am here because of Shattered Eyes. They attacked my family and now they are recovering in the hospital with some pretty critical conditions. They are expected to recover in a few months!" he explained. "I'm sorry to hear that. Shattered Eyes took the life of my father and these other two people I cared about. My mother is fine, but she's in the hospital recovering too." I replied. "Seems like the same events occurred to us.. except in my case, it's slightly worse.." he continued. I glanced at Linda's mother. She was having what appeared to be a pretty fun conversation with the staff members, because she almost tripped over her own leg. It was hilariously terrifying.

"What's your name??" Brad asked Linda. "My name is Linda, nice to meet you." she answered. "Are you two brother and sister or?" he continued. "No, we're dating." she replied. His face got red quickly, and he glanced over at me. "Whoops... Sorry for that embarrassing remark.." he apologized. I burst out into laughter. "Brad, don't worry. You wouldn't be the first or the last person to mistaken a couple to be siblings." I replied. He chuckled a bit, and Linda burst out laughing harder than us. "So what do you do here, Brad?" I asked, curiously. "Well, I do alot of things! I was thinking about setting up a fundraiser, you know, but I needed more people. I guess you two could do the trick!" he explained. I nodded softly, then remembered that I was going to be able to donate to this movement after I received my father's money. "You know, I don't think I'll need to do that. You know why? Because I will be able to donate some of my dad's funds to this movement once I get the money!" I exclaimed. His face brightened with a large smile. "Great! Great! Great!" he repeated. I could tell the guy was really happy about this, and I glanced over to Linda's mother, who was walking towards us. "Hey guys, do you like it here?" she asked. "Yea, ma'am, we do." I replied. Linda looked at her mom with a confident look. "I think we'll be able to do some work here, mom." Linda replied, with one of the most confident tones I've ever heard her speak in. She looked at me and smiled. I had a great feeling about this.

Eventually, we returned to Linda's house and ate. We had forgotten all about the spaghetti, so it wasn't the best thing in the world, but it was pretty flavoring. I complimented Linda on her cooking and we both entered her room to brainstorm how we could help the movement. We had school tomorrow, but I didn't really care, since today we couldn't be there for obvious reasoning. "What if we put some posters around the school telling people to go against Shattered Eyes, and possibly, you know, join the movement?" Linda asked. "Good idea, but that would take printing and money, and that's not something we have right now." I replied. She looked at me harshly. "Harry, just give me a large piece of paper and I can draw on it! You know I love art." she explained. "Oh, right! Well, I guess it would work out." I replied, confidentially. I trusted her on this one, and I knew she trusted me. Linda, Brad, and me. Three people in a beautiful movement against my foes. It would be hard to believe anything could go wrong now.

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