Mother, You're Back!

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It was my mother! I ran to her and gave her one of the most hardest hugs I could have ever possibly given her. "I missed you so much!!" my mom explained, while slightly crying. "I missed you so much too mom!!! I'm glad your back!!!" I screamed. I couldn't explain this feeling - it was a combination of excitement and happiness, multiplied by ten! My mother wiped her hazel eyes and smiled at me. I smiled back, and set down my backpack. We sat on the couch and she began to tell me of her job interview. She had applied for a job that was two cities away, so she had to stay a hotel last night. "How's Linda? Is she doing okay?" my mother asked, with a hesitated voice. "Of course mom, she's fine." I explained. After what appeared to be one of the longest but amazing conversation with my mother, I went to my room and put away my backpack. I looked outside from my window into our backyard. The sunflower stood there, bright yellow and beautiful, and I knew I had to give it to her. I had hope that I would be dating her by the time I gave her the sunflower, so I decided I would tape a secret note on the sunflower. I grabbed a piece of notebook paper, a stylus pen, and I began to write my note.

After writing the note, I decided it was time to go get the sunflower. I exited my house through the brand new backdoor, and I stepped into the deliciously beautiful garden. There were many flowers that would grow in this season, and they would mostly be colorful & charming. I made my way towards the shining sunflower, and eventually reached it. I slowly ripped it from the soil, and I got rid of the roots after successfully ripping the sunflower out. It was beautiful. A few bugs were on its seeds, so I brushed them off softly. I went into my house and grabbed a small flower vase my mother had bought for her flowers, but she never used it. I filled the vase with some fresh, clean water and placed the sunflower in the vase. I grabbed a piece of tape and made sure the note was as concealed as I could make it as I taped it on the sunflower. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind. I jumped and turned around.

"What are you doing, son?" It was my mother. "Just thought I would set this sunflower up as a decoration, mom.." I replied, but with a nervous voice. "There's something you're not telling me. Is that for someone?" she asked with a moderate voice. "... Uhh.. yea.." I replied. I was basically shaking. "Who is that for?" she asked. I didn't know what to say. A girl from my class, a homeless person, anything! But I had no choice. "It-It's for Lin-Linda.." I stuttered. "Really?" she asked. I didn't know how to explain what I was feeling for her. At the same time I felt I could, but when I tried, nothing would come out of my lips. "I-I like her.. I think she's perfect.." I explained. She stared into my eyes for a couple of seconds. I started becoming pretty nervous at this point. What could go wrong? I tried to maintain my thoughts positive. Finally, after what felt like an eternal pause, my mother sighed. "Your heart has guided you to her presence, hasn't it?" she asked. I gulped. She began to laugh. "I love her mom.. she's perfect!" I explained. My father then arrived to the room. "What's the deal here?" he asked. "Our boy has found his soul mate, honey." my mother explained. I smiled. "Love works in mysterious ways, doesn't it lad?" my dad asked. "I guess dad.." I replied. I was still shaking a bit. I hope they didn't see the note, I thought to myself. My dad patted me on the shoulder and smiled. "You're a great kid. You can do this." my dad explained. He said it in such a confident voice that I immediately stopped shaking. I can do this, I thought. I took a deep breath, and nodded to my dad.

That night, I was thinking about how I could possibly ask Linda out the next day. I had my plans, I had my hopes, I had basically everything you needed to become a brave lad. It's not about what you have, it's about what you give. Many quotes stood out to me, but this one stood out to me the most at this moment. Tomorrow was Saturday, and I knew that tomorrow would be one of the most beautiful days I've had in a long time. I lay there in bed, and took out my phone. I had 13 new texts. They were all from Linda. I was petrified. I honestly thought there was an emergency going on, so I quickly opened the conversation. I sighed in relief when I realized she had sent me 13 texts about how much she loved tacos. It was hilarious, and I texted her apologizing for being late, and we began to text back and forth about koalas and shoes. I know, it was really random, but this wouldn't be our first and definitely not our last random conversation. I started to fall asleep after about 20 minutes, so I checked the time. 11:38 PM. I watched the clock menacingly, and I texted Linda telling her goodnight. She said goodnight, and added a blushing face emoji at the end of her text. I knew that tomorrow would work out perfectly. What could possibly go wrong?

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