Secrets Unfold

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You have no idea how much thought I put into everything I learned. It all made sense now, and it was very clear I had something special in me. Power from my father, that Shattered Eyes feared for some reason. The whole reason Shattered Eyes is a thing was because of my father. However, it can't just be because of my father. Shattered Eyes attacked other individuals as well. The news reports of them attacking to steal from you are all lies. I know the truth now. They attack individuals that may serve as a potential threat to them in the future, but it doesn't mean they are good people. They are killing good people, and they have killed people I care about. My father was ready for Shattered Eyes, and he would always warn me about them because of this. It all made so much sense, moments of relief would circulate my mind for minutes, possibly even hours. Two questions remain, though - what power do I have, and why are we a threat to them with this power?

"Is that all he told you?" I was in the police station, being interviewed by investigators. "I'm pretty sure he had time to speak some more, but it was all he said." I replied. The investigators looked at each other puzzled, and looked back at me. "This is reasonable, but we can't work with this," one of them explained,"because we don't know if you're telling us the truth." I looked deeply into their eyes. If they want to believe I was lying, then that's fine. I have better things to do. "You don't have to believe me," I started,"because that's not my main goal right now." They gave me surprised expressions and seemed to have been dragged down by my remark. I believe they thought I was going to go try to murder one of Shattered Eyes. "Is that a threat? Not to us, but to them?" one of them asked, with a curious tone. "You wouldn't understand," I explained,"but don't worry, it involves nothing with Shattered Eyes." They sighed in relief, and told me I could leave. I wanted to find my answers.

Linda & my mother were waiting in the waiting queue for me. "What did they ask you!? Are you okay!? Let me take a look at you!" my mother exclaimed. "Mother, I'm fine, trust me." I replied. She checked my hands, my arms, and my face, and she looked closely at my ear. "Is that a.. cut?" she asked, worried. I smiled. "Mother, that's nothing to worry about. That happened a few weeks back with George & Carol. It's healed now." I replied, happily. She smiled in relief and hugged me, hard. Linda stood close to me, and I knew she wanted to say something. Before that, though, I had to find the truth. "Mother," I started, "I know about the power." My mother looked at me, worried. "Who told you!?" my mother asked hesitantly. "The Shattered Eye. I know about the truth, mother. You & dad were keeping it from me." I explained. A tear came out from her eye. She took a deep breath, exhaled, and looked at me. "Harry, I will tell you the truth."

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