Close Encounter

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I kept running at full speed towards where the sirens were coming from. I looked back again and noticed that Carol and George were running away, and I stood there to watch. I remembered about Linda. Where was she!? She might have ran back home after she saw them chase me. No, I knew Linda. She wouldn't just do that. Eventually, the sirens sounded so near I could even see the red lights flashing. I ran towards them only to realize that it was an ambulance. It wasn't the darn police, it was an AMBULANCE, and it wasn't even heading towards us! I looked back and I couldn't see George or Carol anymore. I made a run for where Linda was hiding, hoping she wouldn't be there and she would be home, or hiding elsewhere. I ran to the bush we were hiding in and quickly searched. She was gone.

I didn't know what to do - she had my phone, and I had no idea where she could've gone. I started to run towards my house, afraid & cold. I had just experienced a personal encounter with the man who took the picture, but now it all made sense. He had taken the picture because someone was paying him to take pictures of cars he believed had some sort of rich background. The reason for this, I had no idea. I began to think that it was probably because the gang wanted to find their next victims, but that was crazy talk. My real question was who was paying them to do something like that, and why? I eventually saw my house, and a feeling of relief went through me. I took a deep breath, walked to my front door, and rang the doorbell.

My dad opened the door. "Linda texted me. May I ask you what in the world you were THINKING?!" my dad exclaimed. "Dad, we need to talk inside the house. I have information.. I-I think.. Where's Linda?" I asked. "Linda? She didn't come with you?" he asked. A sudden feeling of dread passed through me. "W-What?! She's not here!?" I shrieked. "Nope! We need to get to her house right now and hope you weren't the cause of a new disappearance." my dad replied. I was shaking - what in the world had I just done?! I went straight to the car and tried to keep my hopes up. My dad grabbed his car keys and quickly got into the car. "She better be there." I explained. "And if she isn't?" my dad asked. "If she isn't.. We need to find her.." I replied. "We?" my dad asked. "Dad.. it's not time for this.." I replied softly. I wanted to explain to my dad about what had happened, but I was too worried about Linda. I started to lean towards my belt when a shock of pain ran through my ear. "OUCH!" I screamed. My dad jumped and immediately hit the brakes. "What!?" my dad screamed. He looked back and saw the cut in my ear, and gasped in terror. "Dad.. I'll explain later.. we need to get to Linda's house.." I tried to explain. "Are you okay?! Do we need to pull over!? What happened?!" he asked, with a nervous voice. "DAD, I'M FINE, GET TO LINDA'S HOUSE NOW!" I yelled. The car behind us honked, and we remembered we were in traffic. My dad pushed the pedal and continued to go. "OK, but be careful with that ear!" he replied. My ear was what I least cared about now, I needed to find out if Linda was okay.

We eventually arrived at her house, and my dad hadn't even stopped the car yet but I was already opening the door. "CAREFUL!" he yelled. "Sorry!" I replied. The car stopped with a sudden jolt and I opened the car door, blasting out as if I were escaping from George & Carol again. I ran up the steps and rang her doorbell. There, I waited and waited. It felt exactly like last time, and I looked behind me. The bush was moving again. I froze. But I knew that if I froze, something would go very wrong. "DAD, HE'S BACK!" I screamed. I ran towards the car and immediately opened the car door. "SLAM THAT DOOR, SON!" my father yelled. I slammed the door hard and we both started heading to the bush. I wasn't afraid anymore. Either this coward gave us answers, or we beat it out of him. "WANT TO BE FUNNY AGAIN? GET OUT OF THAT BUSH!" my father yelled. A guy then stepped out of the bush. I gasped in surprise. It was actually George.

"You little jerk.. you were the one who took a picture of my car and RAN YESTERDAY!" my father exclaimed. "Sir, I can explai-" he was cut off when he saw someone behind me. I turned around quickly to face the back. It was Linda! She had a large, dusty shovel in her hand. "You! I clearly remember that face of yours when you tried to harm my friend!" she yelled. I turned back to George. His look was no longer afraid, it became angry. He reached for his pocket and pulled out his pocket knife. My dad slowly started to step back, keeping his angry look on his face. George started to walk towards Linda, and I had to react quickly. My dad got next to me immediately and created a barricade. "Sir, I don't want to hurt you.." George explained. "You touch my son or this young lady, I will make sure you regret it." my dad warned. "That kid was snooping in on the conversation with me & my sister." George explained, with an angry voice. My father turned his head to me with a worried expression. I was afraid that he was no longer in his defense position. But suddenly, his face expression turned angry. He turned to George. "My son was trying to do the right thing. You ran away yesterday instead of being nice to us like you should've." my father explained. I turned to the left and saw a pedestrian signalling me a thumbs up and she took out her phone. I had so much hope that she would dial 911, so I kept my hopes up. Suddenly, I spotted Carol coming from behind George. "Harry.." she muttered. This was about to get really bad.

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