New Identity

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"Well, Shattered Eyes must be searching for some pretty rich people then!" Linda uttered. We were eating lunch at school. It was a pretty cold day, I have to admit. For the first time in a long time, I had to wear a long sleeve. "Yea, I'm afraid we'll end up being one of the people.." I replied. "Well.. you never know.. we have to be ready, just in case, though, right?" Linda asked. "Obviously." I uttered back. We finished eating and began to get ready to go to class. The day went by pretty quickly, and it was a pretty great day, I have to admit. I stood outside of my 6th period to see if I could spot Linda anywhere. I couldn't, so I just walked to the exit where we would always end up seeing eachother. I saw Linda. There she is! I thought to myself. I poked her and a completely different girl turned around. "Oh! Um, I'm sorry!! I thought you were someone else!" I said, instantly. "Oh! Haha!" she laughed and kept walking. That was awkward!! I thought to myself. Suddenly, someone patted me on my shoulder. I turned around quickly. It was Linda! "Linda, you won't believe what just happened!" I said excitedly. "I was busy mistaking others to be Harry, too!" she said sarcastically. We both burst into laughter.

"I wonder what I'm eating today at home.." Linda said. "Oh come on, we're still waiting to cross the street and we're already hungry." I replied. "Haha! I know right!" Linda replied happily. After what felt like 39252858190581582 days, we finally crossed the street and began walking home. We talked about all sorts of things along the way - including bacon and how bad your shoes might smell. I sincerely do not want to go on about everything we were talking about, but it was a pretty amusing conversation. I was pretty hungry at the moment, but I decided not to mention anything before she wanted me to go eat at Jack In The Box with her or something, because I'm pretty broke. We eventually reached her home and hugged, said goodbye, and went our separate ways. Something didn't feel right, though. Not with Linda, but with Carol and George. Who were they sending that picture to? Why did they both live alone? What happened to their parents? So many unanswered questions, and so little answers. I eventually reached my house, but I glanced back. Someone was there, walking towards me. I froze in horror.

I shook it off and realized, it's just a pedestrian walking the same way I was. I was putting too much thought into this, and I made it to the front door of my house. I glanced back one more time and saw the pedestrian standing behind my neighbor's house, making a call. I rang the doorbell quickly, and the pedestrian began to run towards the opposite direction. I quickly ran to glance at where I could see him, but he was running too fast. My father opened the door. "What are you looking at, son?" my father asked. He stepped outside and walked towards me. "D-Dad.. someone followed me home.. made a call behind that house, and ran away...!" I uttered. "Goodness gracious, Harry, get inside NOW!" my dad yelled. I walked towards my house quickly, and my mom stood in the doorway. "What's going on, you two?" my mother asked. "Mom, now is NOT the moment. We need to call the police." I replied. "What? Why?" she asked. "Someone followed Harry home." my dad replied, standing next to his car. I was shivering, and I had no idea what could occur. My mother grabbed the house phone and began to dial the police department. I couldn't believe this was happening..

That night, we spent the entire time speaking to police officers. I described the pedestrian had a brown hoodie on, black pants, and purple shoes. As I described him, the officers looked at eachother in horror. "This man has already been reported before, with the exact same outfit, but different colors." one of the officers explained. I was terrified, I couldn't believe it. Now who was this guy? Was it someone from Shattered Eyes? Was it someone sent by George or Carol to follow me? Who was it? I didn't have time to question, however, as we still had to search for answers. Eventually, the officers left with all the information they could get. "Oh dear.." my mother muttered to herself softly. "Harry, you need to watch yourself tomorrow, got it?" my mother said, cautiously. "I'll try to.." I muttered back. Eventually, I was laying in bed texting Linda about everything that had occurred. She explained that she had never seen the guy following us because she was thinking about food on the way. I chuckled a bit to myself, and I texted her back telling her that this was really terrifying. It wasn't adding up, and it was sincerely a mess. Suddenly, I heard a glass shatter in my kitchen. I jumped in horror, and threw my phone to the side of my bed. What was that? I thought to myself. I decided to go wake my parents.

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