We Stand Together

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We stood in front of the structure, waving our signs at the streets, and yelling,"Shattered Eyes, be gone!". It was truly a moment of great feeling, and great determination. I held my sign, tight, next to Linda & Brad. It was going well so far, and everyone in the movement was participating. Suddenly, there was a gunshot. We dropped our signs immediately and turned to the structure. Shattered Eyes members were all over the place, firing at everyone they could. People screamed, and Linda quickly pushed me. We had to get moving.

Brad pulled me and Linda to the side of the wall, and sirens were coming from all places. "HARRY, OUR PARENTS ARE IN THE BUILDING!" Linda screamed. I peeked, only to see Shattered Eyes members throw molotovs inside of the building. "GUYS, WE NEED TO MOVE! NOW!" I exclaimed. We began to run down the street as molotovs were being thrown all around the building. Everything was going on fire. The windows were being shattered by bats, and the building was falling apart. "OUR PEOPLE ARE INSIDE.. WE CAN'T LET THEM DIE!" Brad exclaimed. Linda and I quickly grabbed Brad. "NO, BRAD! WE CAN'T!" Linda screamed. That's when I heard it. "SISTER! LONG TIME NO SEE!" 

"THEY HAVE MY MOTHER!" I screamed. I began to run towards the entrance, and Linda and Brad followed from behind. I quickly ran to the entrance and saw the Shattered Eye drag my mother with him to an alley. They were not going to hurt her. There were pistols all over the floor, and I quickly grabbed one of them, along with Linda & Brad. We quickly realized that they had other members too, including Linda's mother. "MY MOTHER IS THERE, TOO!" Linda exclaimed. They had our people, and they weren't going to take them for us this time.

We went into the alley and shot at the gang members, along with members of the movement who came behind us. Shattered Eyes shot back, and I quickly took cover in the dumpster. Linda took cover behind a trash bin, and Brad was trying to hide behind the other members. Shattered Eyes's members fell on the floor, dead, and sirens were all over the place. The sound of the gunshots & burning structure were deafening, but this was a war for us all. Suddenly, Brad and another member were left. They shot the other member in the head, and they quickly went into our cover to grab us. A Shattered Eye grabbed me and pulled me towards the center, along with Linda and Brad. My mother was in the corner of a dumpster, being held down by one of the Shattered Eyes.

"AT LAST, WE HAVE ALL UNITED AS A FAMILY." the Shattered Eye yelled. "DID YOU THINK THE POLICE WOULD STOP ME FROM ACCOMPLISHING MY GOAL?" I looked at Linda, who was shaking hardly. The sirens were getting closer and closer, so gang members went to the entrance of the alley to guard for any police. The Shattered Eye observed my mother. "Sister.. you will always be a Shattered Eye no matter what you do.. you married the Golden Candle.." the Shattered Eye explained,".. but look at us now.. Now, here we stand with the only Golden Candle left." He turned to me, and the gang member holding me pushed me to the floor. The Shattered Eye crouched in front of me and put a pistol to my head. "You're the last Golden Candle.. and because of your family we are all here. Your legacy won't get away, this time." he explained. I turned to my mother, who knew what was about to happen. I was ready.

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