Taking Precautions

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I stood there, as if I had been stunned. The flash had not been very visible because it was still daytime, but I had still seen it. I had no idea what to do. "Are you okay, Harry?" my dad asked. I couldn't speak. I tried to mutter what was going on, but I just couldn't. My dad tilted his head to the direction where I was looking. I stared at that bush with both eyes, putting my full focus on it. It was slightly moving, and I could clearly see a person. Someone was hiding in that bush taking pictures. My dad came out of his car. "Hey, you in the bush, get out of there! Show yourself!" my dad yelled. The bush rattled, and I stood there observing the area. I reached for my pocket to grab my phone. Suddenly, a blast of fear ran up my spine. I had also forgotten my phone. How can I have been so stupid!? How!?! I started heading towards my dad. Suddenly, someone came out of the bush with a blue jacket. The hoodie was on the person's head, and the person blasted out sprinting. "Hey! Come back here little boy!" my father yelled. The guy ran at full speed, and my dad reached out for his cell phone. "Let me get a picture of this prick!" my father shrieked. He pulled out his phone and took a picture as fast as he could. Eventually, the blue sweater faded away as fast as the guy faded. "It came out blurry! NO!" my father yelled in anger. "Dad, what if that's a gang member?!" I shrieked. I was terrified. "Must be someone from your school trying to stalk you. You must be popular." my father explained. "Dad, this isn't a joke! I'm serious! Who do you think that was?!" I asked, raising my voice. "I don't know, but if he shows up again, we're going to have a real problem." my father explained. I turned around to Linda's house. Still, no one answered the door. I guess today wouldn't be the day.

We arrived home around 11:20 AM. "Where have you two been?!" my mother asked, as we entered through the front door. "You don't even want to know." my dad explained. He shut the door behind me, and he sat down on the couch. "What's going on here, Harry?" my mother requested. "I-I don't know, mom.. It all happened so suddenly.." I replied. We sat on the couch and we had a bit of a family conversation. My father explained what had happened, and I explained what was supposed to happen. After a lecture about how dangerous this situation could have became, I went straight to my room. I saw the flower vase sitting on my desk, with the beautiful sunflower still in it. I wanted to punch the table so badly, but I held it in. I saw my phone charging, and I disconnected it and turned it on. I was hoping I had at least received a message or something from Linda. Eventually, the phone finally turned on. 4 unread messages. I hesitatingly unlocked my phone and read the texts. They were from Linda. It turns out she was going to visit her grandfather today. I texted her telling her about everything that happened, but she wasn't replying. I couldn't believe everything that had just happened.

It became 9:00 PM. I was sitting in my bed, thinking about what the identity of the guy could be. Why did he take a picture? Why did he run away like that? Did he follow us? So many questions with no answers. My father opened the door to my bedroom. "Goodnight, son. Tomorrow will be a better day, I hope." he explained. "It will, dad. We just have to take more precautions next time." I replied. "We?" he asked, with a surprised voice. "Okay dad, fine, it's me who has to take precautions next time." I replied. "There we go!" he continued. We both laughed. "Alright, goodnight son." He closed my door gently and I covered myself in my bed sheets. I checked my phone. I finally had received a text! I quickly tapped on it. It was Linda! I read her text quickly, and I gasped in horror after I finished reading.

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