Chapter 2

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I walked to the huge library filled with books, heaven. I walked through every aisle in the library. I saw some books that caught my eye but i decided to just sit down in a table rest for a while. I only had 40 minutes in here so i decided to take a nap.


I was walking down the same forest calling out someones name ,not quite sure whos it was it came out more like a mumble. I turn around and see seven people standing there yet again its to foggy to see who, i run towards and they leave in a fast motion, i do the same i run fast ,extremely fast.

End of the dream

I heard the bell ring and got up quickly not questioning my dream at all, but whats up with me falling asleep and dreaming this weird stuff?, I don't think much about it and went to the cafeteria. I looked at my map and noticed it was at the other side of the school, I grown.

I finally made it and see so manny people looking at me ,oh no, "breath violet, breath" i remind myself, I grab my tray and look for astrid and lydia.

"Violet!" I heard someone yell out , i turn around and see astrid and lydia at the corner of a table. I walk fast towards them.

"Hey girls"i say.

"Hey,how was chemistry?" astrid asked

"Good i guess" i respond, leaving out the really hot guy.

"Are you gonna get food?"Astrid asked Lydia

"Um no,im not hungry" Lydia said.

"Okay well ima go get food ill be back" said astrid while getting up ,lydia stayed with me.

I started to look around the cafeteria, I look towards the outside door and see seven beautiful and extremely attractive people, the guy in chemistry is one of them.

"Who are they?"i asked lydia,

"Oh those are the Cullen's and hales,there all adopted by Dr.cullen and Mrs. Cullen, that blond girl with the muscular guy thats Rosalie hale and emmet Cullen, and you see that girl with long brown hair and  the brown haired dude thats edward and bella Cullen, then theres alice and Logan, the girl with the pixie cut hair and the guy with the brown hair, and then its jasper the weird serious one, he's twins with Rosalie as that's they kept their first name, the weird thing is that they all date each other, well everyone has a pair, except Jasper. Nobody in here seems good enough for him, anyways isn't weird?" Says lydia.

Wow there just different it's hard to not stare, realization came back, they were staring back, they all sat a couple tables away.

"Totally weird" i say to lydia, I couldnt stop thinking of how attracted i am to Jasper, Now I know his name, jasssperr.I need to stop and get a hold of myself.

"Hey girls what yall talking about " said astrid coming back from getting her lunch.

"Oh i was just explaining to her who the cullens where" replied lydia.

"Oh i see, they moved here from Alaska a year ago there all adopted by Dr.cull-" astrid was saying until she got interrupted by lydia.

"I told her that already" she said.

I chuckled a little and then we started talking about music and other things we all have in common.

The bell rang and me and astrid went to trig class. "what are you more excited about senior year?" Astrid asked.

"Um i dont know, having less school?" I answered unsure.

"Aren't you excited about prom ,its like one in a life time thing!"she nearly scremed at my face, i really dont pay that much attention to dances or school events.

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