Chapter 33

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It's been a week since I became a vampire , and it's been hard. Being a vegetarian isn't easy, all these exercises Jasper has been making me do are so exhausting. Last week we went out to Port Angeles and smelling all the fresh human blood was making my brain hurt, my throat burned, and all Jasper did is made me sit next to humans, but I succeeded.  Lydia and Astrid had disappeared, and still they don't talk to me, and there's no way I'm crossing over to La push without breaking the treaty. Alice told me to be patient that they will come around, but knowing me I'm no where patient.

"Aunt violet can I ask you a favor?" Renesme asks, I'm at Bella's house, the really cute house in the middle of nowhere.

"Sure" I say, I really don't like to read people's mind without being asked or if is necessary, I find it rude to just read their minds without knowing, and also talking through my mind to someone else while we are in a group conversation is rude as well.

"So I wanted to ask my mom and dad if I could go to school" she says, school? No way.

"For what renny? You're smart already" renny is her nickname that I choose to call her.

"I just think that I would Like to learn like a normal person" renny says.

"You're 10, in a way, and a normal 10 years old isn't as smart as you, and being normal is far from this family" I say to her.

"I wanted you to convince my parents to let me go" she says to me, she looks disappointed.

"Renny you know I can't convince your dad, your mom maybe, but wait until you get older, and plus it won't take that long" I tell her, she's growing each month, she's not even two years old.

"Thanks anyway aunt violet" renny comes and hugs me.

"No problem" I say hugging her back.

"We are home" Bella shouts from the door , her , Rosalie and Alice went out to buy food for renesme, she was craving burgers, oh how I miss burgers.

"Yay food" renny runs towards the kitchen. I get up and walk towards Bella and I ask her in my mind.

"Has Carlisle find out anything about her?" Carlisle is still trying to figure out anything about renesme, and we are trying to keep her safe just incase anything happens.

"No" she response back through her mind. I shrug it off knowing that someday Carlisle will find the answers, as for me I'm still trying to figure out about these dreams I keep having, and why Alice has a connection to them.

"What time are the guys coming home Alice" Rosalie asks sitting on couch.

"Um around 9:30 , or maybe 10 depends if emmet wants to hunt a bear" Alice says to Rosalie , all the boys went out to hunt, Carlisle is working and Esme wanted to stay home and clean, which I don't get because the house is spotless.

"Probably will stop to get a bear" I say causing Rosalie to giggle.

"Actually , yeah he is" says Rosalie.

"Well guys I think I'm going to head home, I want to take a long bath" I say to the girls , they nod.

"Okay see you at home" Rosalie says.

"Bye renny" I say kissing her cheek.

"Bye aunt violet" she says back, I leave the house and speed off towards the house. I get home pretty fast , as I reach the front steps I can hear Esme shuffling around with the broom. I enter the house and walk towards the living room, I see Esme swiping the floor.

"Hey Esme, I'm home" I tell her , she smiles at me.

"Violet , glad your back, just making some final touches to the house, I order new ancient art!" She says excited.

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