Chapter 26

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"No fucking way, we are not gonna help you" Jacob says to me, I came over to explain the situation with the girls and guys but Jacob freakishly freaked out.

"Why not?" I say.

"We don't help vampires , we kill them" he says.

"Well you are gonna kill them, not all of them but some" I say referring to the Cullen's.

"We are doing this for violet ,Jacob" astrid says

"I don't care, she wanted to fuck around with a vampire, let her handle her situation" Jacob says, ouch that hurt.

"Really Jacob?" Lydia says.

"What? You all know it's true" he says.

"Jacob that's enough, we are helping violet. I talked to Carlisle" Sam says coming out of the woods.

"Oh and don't worry, Bella won't be fighting" Sam adds on. Why will Jacob care if Bella is there?

"Whatever" Jacob says and leaves turning into his wolf form.

"Thank you Sam, I really appreciate you helping me stay alive" I say.

"No problem violet, you are family to us too" he says, I smile at him and sit back in the bench next to Lydia and Astrid.

"So what's the plan?" Lydia asks.

"Well I wanted to the discuss it with everyone here but let me just let you guys know" Sam starts .

"We will have to be around violet more so they won't be able to smell her, and also we will trade spots with the Cullen's , for us to rest and for them to hunt. We will be training with violets boyfriend, Jasper. We are fighting against newborn vampires, which what I heard are worst then older vampires. Carlisle will explain this in our training, so just make sure to keep violet safe" Sam says, wow they all really sacrificing their time for me, even their life's.

"Seems easy" Lydia says getting up.

"Yes hopefully, in the meantime violet should stay here , billy is at your grandmothers house so there's no problem their. Tomorrow you will be guarded by the Cullen's" sam says to me, I nod.

"Alright I'll explain this to the rest of the pack, keep her safe. Okay?" Sam says to Astrid and Lydia.

"We got it" Astrid says, Sam turns into his wolf form and leaves towards the direction that Jacob left.

"Okay big question" I say to the girls.

"Why does Jacob care if Bella is there?" I ask .

"Oh it's story time" Lydia says.

"I love story time, okay let's go inside, I hate bugs" I say, they giggle and we head towards astrid a room.
We get inside the house and we walk pass the small living room and into the hallway were Astrid room is at.

"it all started about two years ago, Bella wasn't a vampire and she basically was like you with Jasper, instead it was Edward. And we kind of understand the story now , since we know what they are now. But anyways back to the story, Jacob had a thing for Bella and he was obsessed with her, he basically loved her. Then she decided she was gonna marry Edward. Nobody at school knew of this I mean she was a sophomore, Jacob heard of the weeding and got mad at Bella, he knew that meant that Bella was gonna turn into a vampire. And since that day he didn't want to see her ever again" Lydia explains, holy shit Bella and Jacob?

"But Jacob hasn't lost any feelings for her" Astrid says, do they know about renesme? I don't think so.

"But did Bella know Jacob loved her?" I ask.

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