Chapter 37

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"You nicknamed my daughter of the loch ness monster?!" I hear Bella yell from downstairs. Me and Jasper look at each other and run to see what was going on, once we get there we see Bella screaming at Jacob. Everyone else was watching in amusement. I guess Edward told her. I then see what looks like Seth and Leah come out in their wolf forms, standing next to Jacob. Bella then hits Jacob causing him to fall to the ground, Seth jumps up , but Bella throws him towards the tree.

"sorry Seth" Bella says realizing what she's done.

"Look Bella I will protect her, I won't hurt her. It's my job to be there for her" Jacob says to bella. I know Jacob has good intentions.

"Bella give him a chance" I tell her through my mind, she turns to look at me.

"No" she says back.

"Cmon, if Edward trust him, why can't you" I again without anyone noticing.

"I will kill him myself if he fucks up" she smiles at me, Edward and Jacob look at both of us asking for questions.

"You won't hurt her, and you will be there for her. Okay!" Bella tells Jacob. He smiles and nods. Well this little scene was amazing. I turn to Jasper and see him talking to emmet.

"You knew?" Bella asks, I nod.

"Your husband told me not to tell you, but I did tell him if he didn't tell you, I would" she smiles.

"In a way he didn't, Jacob did. Now I just hope I can trust him" Bella says.

"I think you should, and plus if he hurts her he definitely won't get away with it"  we both giggle.

"Where is renny anyways?" I ask her.

"I told Rosalie to take her"I now notice that Rosalie was the only one missing.

"Oh okay, so is Jacob going to live with you?" I say, she thinks about it.

"Yes he will" Alice jumps in.

"He will?" Bella says. Alice nods.

"I just saw it, didn't you see it violet" I shake my head no.

"No I wasn't paying attention" I tell her.

"You should, it was so cute. Look enter my mind" Alice says, I concentrate on her and finally get a vision of renesmee and Jacob sitting in the couch of Bella's house, watching movies together.

"It's cute, but they seem so normal" I say being honest, they look like they live a normal life.

"Right , that's what makes it cuter" Alice says.

"I still find it weird" Bella says leaving to talk to Edward.

"Hey" Jasper comes up from behind me, I look at him smiling.

"hi" I say.

"I have surprise, and before you try to enter my mind I'm clearing it" he says quickly, I laugh.

"Okay okay, what's the surprise?" I ask excited.

"Come with me" he leads me down the front porch and into the woods, passing Leah and Seth.

"Are we going far ?" I ask .

"No , not really" he tells me. We keep walking until we get to our spot where we used to come while we were in high school, the flowers are now blooming.

"I love this place" I tell him.

"I know darling" he reaches out for his pocket, wait wait wait, oh my god. And's paper, okay I thought I was getting proposed.

"What's that?" I ask Jasper.

"These are tickets to a private island in Hawaii, that we are going to tomorrow" what ?

"Hawaii??!! " I yell.

"Private island?!" I jump and hug him.

"How did you get the money? You know what,it doesn't matter " I say really excited.

"I love you" I kiss him passionately while Jasper chuckles a little.

"We need to start packing" I say jumping up and down.

"got it cover, Alice packed your stuff, and she also helped plan this" he says.

"I need to thank her, cmon" I say pulling him running home. When I get home there Alice is there waiting.

"Are you happy ?" She says.

"Yes!" I tell her, I haven't  been to many places, Texas, Los Angeles, and Washington. That's all, but I didn't really enjoy the first two.


"Private island right?" I ask Jasper.

"Yes darling for the millionth time" he say chuckling, we are currently changing to go to the airport.

"I'm just asking because I want to enjoy the sun without anyone seeing me sparkle" I say.

"Obviously darling, just you and me" he says kissing me. I love him so much.

"I'm going to change" I walk into the closet and choose some black leggings with my converse, a band tshirt, New Year's Day, and my leather jacket. I don't know what Alice packed for me , I'll guess we will have to wait and see.

"Ready?" Jasper asks, while I finish. I nod my head. He grabs both out suitcases and walk downstairs. Everyone's there. We get downstairs and the goodbyes begin.

"Have fun you too" Rosalie says winking at me, I blush and give her a hug.

"Blue-" I shoot emmet a glare before he can finish.

"Don't have so much fun with out me" he says correcting himself, I laugh.

"Be careful" esme says kissing my forehead and I give her a hug.

"Have fun" Carlisle says to both me and Jasper.

"Byeee " Alice says running towards.

"Miss you already" she says.

"No she doesn't" emmet kills the mood, Alice glares at him.

"Adios brother and little sissy" Logan says hugging me and Jasper at the same time.

"It's just a week guys" Jasper says.

"It will be boring without you guys" Logan says.

"Okay okay, enough, they are gonna miss their flight" Alice says.

"Say bye to Bella and Edward for me" I yell before Alice pushes me and Jasper towards the taxi waiting outside.

"And renny!" Then she shuts the door. Jasper and the taxi guy place the bags at the back, Jasper comes to my side and we are on our way to the airport.


We are inside the airplane ready for take off! I can't wait for the sand to touch my cold skin and the sun hitting me for the first time. I'm so happy!! Can you tell?

"Darling your emotions are really making me anxious and happy at the same time" he says to me.

"I'm just so happy, everything is turning out okay. Finally we will be together in peace" I tell him, he places his forehead against mine and smiles down at me.

"Love you" he quickly kisses me.

"We will arrive at our destination in 5 hours, enjoy your flight. Thank you" the flight attended says. I'm so ready.

Hii, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next chapter will be more on violet and Jasper relationship which I need to work on showing more on that. PLEASE VOTE AND ADD THIS TO YOUR READING LIST 💞 thank you for those who do💘 next chapter will be up soon.


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